forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


mine is adorable and i didnt know he could do gymnastics until we were walkin back to class after lunch and he's just like 'watch this' AND HE DOES A TUCKED AERIAL


i can't draw and i can't get a picture of him so i'll just describe him
he's got dark brown hair (but not too dark, its like a perfect brown) that's styled in a fringe that sometimes a cow lick thingy and it's very cute
And then he has these rectangular glasses and brown eyes and then he has two buck teeth which all in all make him really cute


like…he'll talk to himself a lot or tap a beat on the table or sometimes he'll do little weird things with his hands or sometimes it looks like he's talking to somebody and acting out things in front of them but there's no one there and it's just his schizophrenia

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Okay so, if ya know me on this site, I have a viking boi. His name is Elias and I have a kind of weird problem. What do you do if he sends you a picture of himself in a gas mask and asks "what's in the canister?". I have no idea how to respond to it. Plus I recieved it at like 3 in the morning and it scared the ever loving god out of me, so what can I do?

You know, a while back my girlfriend told me they're part Viking. It didn't really register until now and now SO MANY THINGS MAKE SENSE!!! (Also, I'm convinced without a doubt they are also part Fae)

Oh boy I got stories. But the funny thing is that I am like full blood Scot, and he is like full blood Norse. We met and were like you're cute, and please never ask anyone out like he did, he held me over the edge of a boat, and said do you love me and I said yes, and he was like wanna go out, and I said yes, and then he dropped me in the water and then jumped in himself. Granted the water was like 50 degrees, but we've been together since. Plus, my mom and his mom are good friends, but we still have the viking/Scot rivalry and his grandmother and grandfather are like our grandson is in love with a Scot what has this world come too??? And yes the Fae thing, is 100% true 😂

@Pickles group

I'm not sure if I should tell my friend about my crush. She's kind of my best friend but I also haven't exactly figured out my feelings for this guy yet and I haven't told anyone who it is or irl that I have a maybe crush. And she was upset at her friend because her friend didn't tell her she had a boyfriend and I don't want that to happen to us but I'm also not going to date him. She also kind of teased me about it without even knowing and idk what to do


my friend came up to me and two of my other friends and said 'i know someone who likes one of you but i can't tell you who likes who' and we all lost our minds

@Pickles group

Update: I told her and also that I'm pretty sure he likes one of our friends and she said she doesn't know about that so I'm gonna explain to her why he does next period during lunch. Basically all she said was oof so I don't think she's mad that I didn't tell her for like a month