forum Crushes
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Deleted user

but it sucks always having to text first


but it sucks always having to text first

I felt that, me too, me too

Deleted user

but it sucks always having to text first

I felt that, me too, me too

Oof, sorry babe, I know it sucks <3

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Okay so, if ya know me on this site, I have a viking boi. His name is Elias and I have a kind of weird problem. What do you do if he sends you a picture of himself in a gas mask and asks "what's in the canister?". I have no idea how to respond to it. Plus I recieved it at like 3 in the morning and it scared the ever loving god out of me, so what can I do?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Nope. We did move from Alaska like 6 monthes ago… So maybe time zone sickness? (Don't ask, it's kind of like insomnia, but for Alaskans…) We previously lived up in a place where it would be light for 3 monthes straight, and then dark for 3 monthes straight… Sooooooo…..

@Pickles group

We had a band competition today anf he's on my bus and his phone died so he sat with me and my friend cause he was bored and I was like "I'm gonna fall asleep on you" and he was like fine whatever so I layed on him and he goes "great I've been pillow friend zoned by two girls tonight and I was just like haha um yeah


i am single and halloween is 36 days away so i ask you, WHERE is my fae/demon significant other, i need someone who will match my vampire energy

@Pickles group

We didn't talk at all today for the first time in, like, a week (I know, that's not very long but our shortest conversation this week was an hour) and I feel like I did something wrong cause I was kind of flirting on the bus yesterday (and by that I mean Pickles flirting, aka falling over on him a lot and teasing him so kind of basic Pickles behavior except more awkward and amplified) and idk I know it shouldn't bother me and there's probably nothing wrong but still I'm questioning my decisions last night and this is why I will never be drunk in front of people and why I don't like being really tired because I hit a point in which my decision making goes out the window and I'd really do almost anything and I have basically no filter and I really don't remember much

@soupnana group

I know my crush started for real at the start of the year.
And hey here's basically what he looks like. Not exact so you probably won't know who he is because he looks slightly different from the pictures. That's the only reason I feel comfortable sharing them cause they are cartoonized slightly and they aren't perfect. But he's perfect so if they were perfect they'd be double perfect. They'd be my best drawings yet. (Also, the first drawing is a long story. He's got a ponytail and heels on for a reason.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Okay so, if ya know me on this site, I have a viking boi. His name is Elias and I have a kind of weird problem. What do you do if he sends you a picture of himself in a gas mask and asks "what's in the canister?". I have no idea how to respond to it. Plus I recieved it at like 3 in the morning and it scared the ever loving god out of me, so what can I do?

You know, a while back my girlfriend told me they're part Viking. It didn't really register until now and now SO MANY THINGS MAKE SENSE!!! (Also, I'm convinced without a doubt they are also part Fae)