forum Crushes
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

I think I might have a crush on someone

I don't know, help me, please


hello friends :) I am unsure if I actually like this guy romantically or if I just like him as a friend and want to hug him, because ya'll know how much I just like hugs n stuff and not actual romance, but hes frick frackin adorable and I may have screamed his name on this site multiple times


hello friends :) I am unsure if I actually like this guy romantically or if I just like him as a friend and want to hug him, because ya'll know how much I just like hugs n stuff and not actual romance, but hes frick frackin adorable and I may have screamed his name on this site multiple times

ok but like do you wanna kiss him

Deleted user

it was so awkward…but it happened and he's so cute…


OK THIS IS RANDOM BUT MY FRIEND TOLD ME THAT THERES A GIRL WHO APPARENTLY MAY LIKE ME A BIT BUT SHES QUESTIONING IT AND IM REALLY HAPPY BUT I'm kind of scared cuz I feel like I'm going to get false hope and that it's too good to be true cuz shes really pretty and I also feel very bad cuz I got annoyed at her today because of the fact that she was telling my friend about it, and I knew that they were talking about me but I didn't know what it was about.


Ok I'm done ranting. Now does anyone have any advice on how to act normal around someone that you know may maybe like you