forum Crushes
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Cause I just left camp and I was cast with this guy, let's call him Peter. Peter's Scottish, short, amazing blue eyes, curly blond hair, funny, sweet, the works. Hormonal little me obviously starts crushing on him. And it was nice, cause we were offstage together a lot and would talk and laugh and it was nice. And yesterday at lunch we were abandoned by some people so it ended being just him and I at lunch, which was also really nice, then we went off for a bit to the rehearsal room, just both of us, until the others start to arrive. And he'd told me that he was really glad he'd become friends with me cause I was great or a lot of fun or something like that. And it was only a five day camp, so I know nothing would have happened, but it was still cool to think that he liked me as well even if it was only as a friend.
And then comes yesterevening.


I was with a group of some girls, and arises the subject of drama.
APPARENTLY, unbeknownst to me, he had a massive, massive crush on one of the leads and she'd been leading him on even if she wasn't interested at all. But I didn't know??
So not only was I completely oblivious, but while I was thinking about him he was being hurt by someone else and I had no idea.


Collapses onto bed hugging a pillow and crying while smiling and just being lot's of emotions I have the best best friend of all best friends and you can't change my mind.


Yes, yes it is, is it kinda weird having a Crush on your best friend, yes a little bit. Any way yesterday I was talking to him about my really bad day and he was being a sweet adorable amazing human bean and making me feel better because he does that. Also today I just out of no where I told him "I love Pretzel Bread" And some how we're having a full out conversation about bread, he's such an amazing dork it's great.


All the times I've dated anyone I never really actually liked them that much, I just like having them and hugging them and things
I don't like the people that much, I like the affection
I'm touch-starved


mhm and now I feel bad because like…I didn't actually like any of these people I guess I just told myself I did because I liked it when they would hug me or kiss me or smth


I think that it was a learning curve for you and at least you realize that now. You didn't know any better and now you do, you weren't trying to hurt them you just thought that's what liking someone was, you associated touch with romance and that's not your fault, a lot of that can be traced back to media and entertainment, think about it, how do the two main characters find out they like each other a kiss at the end of the story, not actual chemistry or conversation. You understand that now and that's the important thing, you didn't have ill intentions.