forum Crushes
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My Crushes favorite instrument is the Piano, I think that's ridiculous. He play's all of these instruments and listens to all sorts of different music and if you ask him what his favorite instrument is and he'll say "Piano" And do you know what his favorite piece on the piano is, you would think he would like something a little less unknown a bit underappreciated, you know what it is, Clair de lune. Clair Freaking De lune. I keep telling him if he say's that his favorite piece is Clair de lune people are going to think that he doesn't actually know what he's talking about but he does. You know what else he likes Cannon in D, why, I don't know. Almost every single musician I know hate's that piece because it's so over used and played, I would say every musician but no, He likes that piece. I would question his taste in music at this point but no, he has introduced me to some of my favorite songs ever, he just likes those two songs for some reason.


Huh, well piano does have the advantage of it's huge range and extensive amount of pieces/solos, so I can see why but… Canon in D?


I know, of all the songs to not despise he picks that one, I just don't understand, you know what other song he likes… Flight of the bumble bee, I just don't understand how someone so musically cultured can like such not musically cultured songs.


I don't think it's ridiculous to most people because it's a lovely instrument, but I personally don't love the sound of the piano, so it being anyone's favorite is just crazy to me.

Ann O. Ymous

When you say you stated liking him, I'm assuming you've… talked to this guy?

um heheheh…no….im a huge introvert so um..hehehehh…no…

Ann O. Ymous

I'm just going to enplane a little bit of human psychology, please note I have not personally researched this, this is information I have gathered from life experience and talked with my sister about ad she majored in psychology so that's what I'm working with, everything I'm about to say may not actually be true, I don't know but it makes seance.

When you find out someone likes you, or you think someone likes, you, you will either A) beginning to distance yourself as much as possible, or b) start liking them back.I think this is because If you think about it from a survival point of view, if there's a suitable mate interested in you, you will approve of them or you don't, they're just not going to cut it , But if the survival part of your brain is like, "Hey, that guy, ya, he could give you a secure life" then you're brains going to be like, "heeeeyyyy I'm just going to pump you full of chemicals now." and it will most likely wear off pretty quickly once your brain realizes, "wait I already have a partner, abort mission I said abort mission we already have a stable relationship. "

rly? i didn't know that! i hope my brain realizes that…except that im not actually in a relationship i just have a great crush is all


My Crushes favorite instrument is the Piano, I think that's ridiculous. He play's all of these instruments and listens to all sorts of different music and if you ask him what his favorite instrument is and he'll say "Piano" And do you know what his favorite piece on the piano is, you would think he would like something a little less unknown a bit underappreciated, you know what it is, Clair de lune. Clair Freaking De lune. I keep telling him if he say's that his favorite piece is Clair de lune people are going to think that he doesn't actually know what he's talking about but he does. You know what else he likes Cannon in D, why, I don't know. Almost every single musician I know hate's that piece because it's so over used and played, I would say every musician but no, He likes that piece. I would question his taste in music at this point but no, he has introduced me to some of my favorite songs ever, he just likes those two songs for some reason.

oh jules plays piano