forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


also i have new tea
my new classmate is extremely pretty, major fem bottom vibes, is bi, and is possibly flirting with me (we shall call her red bc her lipstick was red on the first day)

@Elder-God-Whisper work


Ok guys, sorry, I had to drop this and head to trade school {I'm doing fashion design so I can sew and sell cosplays as a part-time job eventually} But anyways….

My mutual crush actually asked me out over the summer {we were both doing a chalk mural together at an art festival} and She gave me my first kiss and I stopped functioning correctly for a full half hour….

@Pickles group

Guys help I can't stop thinking about him and I hate it more than words can describe. More than whispers ducks. I'm supposed to be doing stuff but I can't

this is so soft to read especially coming from you

It's a lot worse today ew

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Guys help I can't stop thinking about him and I hate it more than words can describe. More than whispers ducks. I'm supposed to be doing stuff but I can't

this is so soft to read especially coming from you

It's a lot worse today ew

Oof. I'm sorry my friendo.

@Pickles group

Part of my lack of concentration I think comes from me having random songs stuck in my head and all the boring stuff we're doing but still. That was a very grammatically incorrect sentence wow


Also I now have official Girlfriend/Boyfriend {they're non-binary like me} so yeah. I'MSOSOSOHAPPYYYYYYYY!!!!

you can call them a datefriend btw


also i have new tea
my new classmate is extremely pretty, major fem bottom vibes, is bi, and is possibly flirting with me (we shall call her red bc her lipstick was red on the first day)

also she says she wants 2 cook me various chinese food that i think would taste bad just to prove me wrong sksksksk

@Pickles group

Oh yesterday at band practice I was talking to him and we went on the field and one of the girls in our section whispers something to one of the other girls and I heard "is it just me or does" and "I just noticed it today" and the other girl said yeah and I think it was about me

@Pickles group

I haven't really done anything other than right before when I yelled at him for not eating which is something I would do anyway but if you didn't know me freshman year you'd think I would say "then starve" which I totally would if someone was just hungry and we talked a lot more than usual but idk I'm probably just paranoid

@Pickles group

So some things changed and so going to the football game today was optional (marching band) and so we were both going and now apparently he's not going and we just left and I'm already wishing I wasn't here