forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


hello children it has been 3 weeks since julian's been awol and i am. Not in a good place
there's also been some friend drama which is not helping


yeah :( but! i'm getting more into witchcraft so it's ok
(im not a satanist or anything i just do spells with herbs and my own energy mostly)


Ohh that's coolio.
(Honestly even if you were a Satanist I'd be like "oh that's cool" like I literally just think everything's cool and fine)


Well that's great! I'm glad you're doing what makes you happy. Holy shit why am I being so positive today I just loVE EVERYONE ahh what's happening sorry

@Pickles group

So he invited me to a party at his house and it was super awkward because we all know he invited our whole section because he thinks one of the freshman trumpets we hang out with (because she hates her section) is hot. And I live three minutes away so I was there first and it was really weird and then i passed the wall of happiness and now I'm t the one where everyone hates me and I left early and I wasn't gonna tell anyone but he came in as I was putting my shoes on and he asked what I was doing and I said leaving and he asked what was wrong and I just said nothing I'm leaving
I wanna cry myself into non-existence


Oh Pickles I'm a just Hugs, unless you don't like hugs then shoulder pat I'm just going to say, I understand that feeling and I'm sorry, I hope you feel better.

Ann O. Ymous

so i show sheep at our county fair and my bff was helping and when we were registering them there was this boy who was starring at me…and then everyday he would "accidently" be where i was. and now, today, (two more days of the fair left) i started liking him….and i dont WANT TO!! i mean, i DO NOT want to like two guys at the same time. you know what i mean? i would rather stick with my Logan and im good….how DO I DO THIS!!!! i think he likes me too so its EVEN WORSE!!! plsss HeLp!


I'm just going to enplane a little bit of human psychology, please note I have not personally researched this, this is information I have gathered from life experience and talked with my sister about ad she majored in psychology so that's what I'm working with, everything I'm about to say may not actually be true, I don't know but it makes seance.

When you find out someone likes you, or you think someone likes, you, you will either A) beginning to distance yourself as much as possible, or b) start liking them back.I think this is because If you think about it from a survival point of view, if there's a suitable mate interested in you, you will approve of them or you don't, they're just not going to cut it , But if the survival part of your brain is like, "Hey, that guy, ya, he could give you a secure life" then you're brains going to be like, "heeeeyyyy I'm just going to pump you full of chemicals now." and it will most likely wear off pretty quickly once your brain realizes, "wait I already have a partner, abort mission I said abort mission we already have a stable relationship. "

Deleted user

I'd like to join the Crush Discussion
As the stereotypical white teenage girl that I am