forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers

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Not holding up great. Remember that cough? Well I still have it and I lost my voice. Not the best for a voice actor I guess.

Ouch. I'm sorry. Hope you get better soon.


Ok so for the voice audition part, do you only want me to read the part that I want to audition for? Also, I don't really know who any of the characters are….


Alright, so… I've been trying to make a smooth WIP to show, but my drawing stuff hates me whenever I try. So instead I'm going to post a different WIP I've been working on in a sec.


Hey just wondering would you care if I experimented w/ voices? Like making one have a british accent, or a childlike voice?

Deleted user

You can hold down shift, which will make the letters lower case, if your caps won't come off


Ok cool, thanks! I was thinking it might be interesting to have Alice have a childish voice, idk, I'm just experimenting.


…Need anyone in the music department? I play an instrument and I have written some music, I would love the chance to practice the skill.


Writing music could definitely be interesting, if we need a theme song or something. Unless we use Christina Aguilera's, but seeing as we've got some musical volunteers it might be a really interesting addition!


Ok, I've come across a problem. I was going to send the voice recording, but I can't share with anyone outside of my school district email, meaning I can't send it to my non-school email, meaning I can't put the voice recording on the audition form.


but it's not like I'll get a part, anyway, so it was good practise, at least.


Hm sadly I can't voice act since I just got my wisdom teeth out and I know very little about animation, I play a couple instruments but I have never written music so I'm not very useful right now haha