forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers


Can someone let me know if we need more voice actors/background voices? I'd be willing to help with that.

Deleted user

So I found some spare quiet time and tried to knock out as much as I could of the audition script. I submitted what I recorded, and I can record more if needed. :)


Yeah, sorry about my recording quality. I moved around too much, and my crappy earbuds and computer camera made a lot of smudges and white noise. The actual voice is what I meant to put in, though.

Deleted user

Awesome thank you!

No problem! It was honestly kinda fun.

@Knight-Shives group

I'd love to help you guys and help make maybe background music, but I don't have an instrument and don't expect to get one for a little while.

Deleted user

I have a 12 hole ocarina and a 17 key kalimba, in case the music requires either of those.

@soupnana group

Can someone let me know if we need more voice actors/background voices? I'd be willing to help with that.

Hey, your submission is always welcome.

@soupnana group

And just so y'all know, everyone here is amazing. I think I have a few people in mind for certain roles, but there are some conflicting things here, because there are two people who are really good for one part, but I can't decide who, so I think that after this week is up, I will do callbacks, where basically I will ask for the people who I have an idea for and have them read certain lines for certain characters. Sooooo yeah. There will be that for those of you who didn't feel like you got to show your full potential. :D

@Echo_6 group

Well it seems to me that we nearly have a quarter an orchestra. Ha ha.

Let me rephrase that, I am self taught with an Indian flute, I can play piano, and I can sing. Electronic music is a no go for me.

@soupnana group

Again, a quarter a…. band? Yeah, like a weird indie band with that one person playing the flute in the background and stuff.

@Moxie group

Sorry I haven’t really been able to be on much this weekend. And the only emails I have have my name in them so I didn’t feel comfortable putting my name up on the first doc you uploaded. Sorry if that takes me out of the running.
If not, I will try to get my audition up either tomorrow or tuesday

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I could voice act, but I'm a noob and I'll have to find somewhere with actual privacy because my parents think a closed door is an invitation to barge in and tell you to go do something and a better mic.