forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers

@GameMaster group

I see your point. How do you upload more than one file onto the audition form. It says I can only upload one and I have four. One for each character.


We could probably make a doc or drive with the auditions

@GameMaster group

Okay how about put your favorite recording on the form and put the rest in a little section on the main doc under your username.


Alright, so I have a few ideas-

First off, as helpful as character reference sketches are, it's going to be difficult to properly animate them without an actual model sheet being made.

(If you don't know what I'm talking about, this video^ might help)
Maybe someone (or multiple people) could be in charge of modeling each of the characters?

Another thing, if there's anyone who would like to help or be involved but doesn't have the time, we may need a few people to help review and give constructive criticism on the animations in progress, so we don't end up coloring everything in only to realize there's a major mistake somewhere.

And last but not least, it might make things easier on the storyboarders/animators/voice actors if someone could go through the RP, copy/paste everything into a document, and then edit stuff until we have a simple, readable script to base stuff on. At the moment, if you look through the RP, it's kind of a mess with all the conversations in between, so a more organized, edited version in one big script would be nice.

@soupnana group

Do I need to change anything?

No no no you're amazing! I love it! You're literally perfect for both parts you wanted to do!


Do I need to change anything?

No no no you're amazing! I love it! You're literally perfect for both parts you wanted to do!

Oh ok lol I didn’t think it was that good and the camera was shaky
Also don’t mind how young I am loll I told you I was a youngling

@soupnana group

Do I need to change anything?

No no no you're amazing! I love it! You're literally perfect for both parts you wanted to do!

Oh ok lol I didn’t think it was that good and the camera was shaky
Also don’t mind how young I am loll I told you I was a youngling

Ha ha. You look only a few years younger than me so, I guess we're all pretty young here. And you easily could do a main part.


For all the animators, I have a color palette for Eli and Ana that could be used.