forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers

@Echo_6 group

Okay so, @TheElemental_wants_to_stab_something and I were talking about this. We all love to rp with our characters. And together we have created some of the best stories that are going on still. I also know that we have incredibly skilled artists here. What if we had a bunch of artists get together to make a team, and animate rps? Then we could get another team to be the voice actors. This could either be the coolest thing ever. Or, it could be awful. What do all a ya'll think?


So like an animation MAPs for RPs? If so I'm down. I could finally have a project to get me to practice animating more.


I think about stuff like this all the time so the fact that someone else wants to do it is amazing


If we're going to have voices though, we'd have to get them before we animate or else the conversations would be kinda weird and out-of-sync.

@Echo_6 group

Definitely, and we would have to set something up where we could actually talk to each other so that we could figure out who would be what characters.


We could use the notebook pms or discord to discuss progress. Though someone would have to manage it so the Rpers, Voice actors, and animators can properly communicate. Everyone would need a clear idea of groups as well so an animator isn't mistaken for an Rper or an RPer a voice actor to get this idea off the ground.

@Echo_6 group

Yeah, we would also need to find a way for people to record the things they need to record. Cause I know that for some people that might be difficult.


I don't have social media like Facebook. So I can really only use Notebook, Discord, or Google Hangouts.