forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers

@Echo_6 group

I'm thinking that Google hangouts is probably the best thing to use to talk face to face with each other. Otherwise we can just use this to talk.


Wouldn't we all have to provide an email so someone could invite everyone involved to a hangouts chat?


And in that moment, NutElla realized the one email she has does not only contain her last name but is also connected to her mom's account


My email doesn't have my real name, though I'd prefer knowing who would set the chat up. That way I can just pm it so it's not on an open thread of Notebook.
Also oof Ella.


I have two electronic music-creating programs but not a single clue on how to use them for anything other than merging multiple sound files together.


Just being able to manage sound files is helpful considering the many sites, and even channels, that go out of their way to provide copyright free music and such.
I could find copyright free sources for anyone that wants to handle audio, but I won't be able to do any actual sound file managing myself because my lack of skill and software for it.

@Echo_6 group

You know, we could make this like a summer project for us. It makes me so unbelievably happy that so many people would actually try to find a way to make this happen.


I'd love for this to be a summer project. I've been wanting to animate my own stories, and this would help me learn the skills needed to make that happen as well as let me work with others on notebook in making their stories visually.

@Echo_6 group

Okay so I thought of something. How would we do voices? Like recording them and figuring out who is what character?


We could do casting calls in the Skillsharing or General Chat boards, and people can find recording resources or manage voice actors. Just as long as whoever is put in charge of voice actors is willing to reach out and check in it should work.


So…. I've been doing a lot of research on the animation process anyways. So last night I put together a rough idea of how this could work. It's long and needs some fixing, but it might work. Should I post it for everyone to look over?


Sorry if it makes no sense, I wrote it at midnight after doing a review on the process.

Someone will be in charge of everything overall. Voice Actors/Sound Engineers, Rpers, and Animators/Artists will all be separate groups with one or two people managing the group they're assigned based on how many there are.
These group leaders must be willing to update the person in charge of it all so progress on projects can be tracked. The groups leaders must also be willing to hear what their group has to say and talk to other group leaders to keep projects running as smoothly as possible.

Animators/Artists- This group will be made up of the storyboarders, animators, and concept artists. An artist can be more than one of these, like being a concept artists working to make an Rper's character visually as well as an animator or storyboarder.
Voice Actors/Sound Engineers- Group of those that will be recording lines along with anyone choosing sound effects or music. Casting calls can be made in skillsharing or general boards. People in this group will help manage sound files or make sure a voice actor can record their lines with a decent sound quality. Others will also need to be able to put together a final sound tracks for sound effects, voices, and any music. All sounds would need to be copyright free as to avoid the work being claimed on any platform.
Rpers- Will be involved in the most things as they are the creators of the scenes and any characters we animate. They must be available to approve easily animated designs, describe a character's voice for casting calls, and give feedback on any major progress so a good final product can be reached.

There should be a chat between leaders to track progress, a chat for each group, and a big chat so anyone from any group can quickly reach the other group for help. That way it's not difficult for an artist to ask an Rper for character design clarification or Voice Actors to ask how a character sounds before volunteering for a part.
Rpers must be asked before we start any story boarding or planning, as to not waste time on a dropped project if they decide they'd rather not have a character or scene animated. Though if it's a project everyone would really like any artists with free time could offer to do concept sketches to pitch the idea to the Rper. After any Rpers involved and the person in charge of everything has approved the project artists can start sketching the design if a reference sheet not already available for the characters to be animated. After the Rper has then approved the ref groups can start working on the animation process.
Story boarding and sound designing can then be done to time the final product in an animatic before giving each animator a character or part along with the rough sound files. Team leads should be able to ask for WIPs to see how much progress is happening, so long as they aren't asking for daily updates as I doubt anyone is expecting to be paid and this will not be a top priority for everyone at all times.
All groups should then be involved in final touches or updates until the project has been finished, as to make sure everyone is happy with the final product. By this time if it hasn't yet a final set of sound files should be provided to the animators. Someone working on the project will need to be able to post the final somewhere so it can be posted for other users to see.

@Echo_6 group

You are not three days late if you have an idea let us know we could use the help. Plus this will be forever open to all ideas.