forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers


Okay, so…

Bad news, I might not be able to help after all.
Krita absolutely refuses to properly render animations, I've downloaded FFmpeg, followed all the steps in every tutorial I could find, and it still isn't working.
The videos are saving as corrupted/broken/unopenable files and I don't know how to fix it.

…Does anyone have any tips?


I can probably help. But I have to get home first because any of my tips on handling that would be on my laptop.


Okay, I found a way to record the animation without the need for rendering, so if all else fails I can still help, the only problem with this method though is the audio might end up with some minor glitching.


It looks amazing! Digital, right? Can I ask what brush you use? I love how much it looks like pencil.
As for rendering. If the way you found fails I have a different way you could do it. It takes longer, but I like it because it lets you work out any place the audio isn't synced right.
I make sure to check the option to keep all frames after rendering. Then if the actual render fails I open whatever video editor comes on my device and put all the frames in there. The video editor should still be able to do audio, and may even work better in helping time it correctly. After finishing I just render the animation, the file usually works unless I moved the frames to a different folder before rendering or something.


Thank you!
For the brush I use, it's actually a custom preset I created, I might be able to send it to you somehow.

Also, what editor do you use? I've tried that before and mine seems to only be capable of making photo slideshows, from what I know.


I have a test GIF of a eagle I drew (I can only make GIFs at the moment because I have NO animation app), right now my sister is going over it because she does not like the eye lid color I gave the bird (the eyes/lids are the only things that are colored)


I'll have to do a test animation to show all of you, though that'll be done on the weekend because I currently have state testing this week.
Also nice job on the custom brush then! I haven't come across a brush so close to pencil. :D
As for an editor my laptop just has MovieMaker. You usually have to select all the frames and then edit how long they all show to .5 or something, but it can also have audio added by the menus or mic icons. If you don't have that I'm sure I could find some free downloadable editor for you to use, Ella.


If I could animate, I would but sadly my Ipad broke and I can't use it without it dying every 2 minutes

@EmptyNebula group

I've been stalking this chat for a few days and I was thinking about helping with voiceovers since I can do a handful off accents and characters that already exist.


Here, I finished my first animated gif eagle thing last night, I love it :))))))))

had to delete this reply a few times to fix the thing.


Whelp, looks like I've come a few hours late.
The animation looks great, you did amazing on the light reflection in the eyes!


I posted some earlier that I think might have a few good scenes also they ended and I just want more content from them