forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers


Alright, I'm all signed up for voice acting lolllllllllllllll
I can do some swell childish voices as well as sing pretty well in my humble opinion


There is one character in The Circus that sings, but I don't know if that scene will be animated

@soupnana group

Ah that's fine I'm sure. But if we were ever to turn it into a full blown tv series thing, we'd need an intro and perhaps some singing, so theres that. Or just for background. I dunno.
Also, who here is in charge of casting?

@soupnana group

I don't think there are any main characters that are super young, just from looking at the first few character descriptions, but we could have you be a kid in the crowd or sumin.


I mean, I can do adult voices, but considering I'm also young we could have a teen or a young adult here.

@soupnana group

Yeah. So I think we have a lot of people willing to voice act, we just need a way for everyone to submit a recording of themselves speaking lines. I can quickly scan through and find a place with some dialogue so people can do lines and stuff, if y'all want.


Alright so I was thinking about doing storyboarding but I think I might have to sit this one out bc of some family issues and workload. For now, I’ll take my name off the list and just keep following this discussion so I can find it later.


Sounds great! Would I record it on video and through google docs?

Usually I just look up "voice recorder" on Google, save that recording, then put the link to the recording on a doc and share it

@soupnana group

And just so I know, who here is in charge of this? Like, who do we want to judge and choose who does who? Because I need to know so I can talk to them about it.

Deleted user

I've never officially been a voice actor before, but I've played many roles in countless plays and musicals, and my vocal range is that of Christine from Phantom of the Opera. I can manipulate my voice to sound like a child, an adult, or a gender neutral teen. My best accents are Southern American, French, or British. I can always learn more if I'm needed to fill a certain role.

And since I've never officially voice acted before, I'm not entirely sure how to record myself, especially since I am without a working computer at the moment.

@soupnana group

Alright. I'll see how many people I can get to help me pick and choose roles. I will likely enlist the help of Altogether Quite Impossible to Describe, and PuffPoff. These two because they were two characters in it and Altogether Quite Impossible to Describe is the initial creator of Circus. If anyone else here was a part of the rp, I'd like you to tell me so I can know who to contact when casting. I mean, the creators of characters should have the liberty to choose who fits the role.
Anywho. Here's the link.
Let me know if I am missing anyone. I went like halfway through looking for new characters that pop up, but I couldn't find any. Although I did find an incredibly adorable scene, and I was squealing like a baby pig. And then I found a not so adorable scene, and kinda wanted to throw something at the fricken ringmaster.


Although I did find an incredibly adorable scene, and I was squealing like a baby pig. And then I found a not so adorable scene, and kinda wanted to throw something at the fricken ringmaster.

That's basically the rp in a nutshell

@GameMaster group

You can record your voice on your phone but the file is near impossible to upload if you are working on a computer. Audacity is a free app for PC and Mac and I find it fairly straight-forward. That's what I'm going to use.