forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers


@Soup_Nana_and_co is there a way for you to send me the auditions people do for Eli and Ana?

@soupnana group

Hm…. I'll see if I can when I get home, cause currently I am at school and google drive is blocked here for some reason.

@soupnana group

WHAAAAAAAA? Google Drive?? But don't you like, need it for school stuff??

yeah. It's really stupid and it being blocked is completely pointless.

How can I help?

If you want, you could help me, Amber, and PuffPoff choose roles for people.

@Moxie group

Two things: Is it okay if I pm you my audition cause the form requires me to use my email. If thats okay, should I pm it to everyone whos helping choose the roles


Two things: Is it okay if I pm you my audition cause the form requires me to use my email. If thats okay, should I pm it to everyone whos helping choose the roles

PM it to Nana and I, and Wild I guess.

Deleted user

Sorry I went silent for a bit there guys. End of the year surprises sometimes aren't as great as they seem.

Anywho, how is everyone holding up?


I'm doing a small animation right now. I meant to do it over the weekend but had to get replacement batteries for my pen. I should have a WIP soon to show you guys an example of my animation.


Okie! I've done a lot of shows, and I want to practice my acting, so maybe let me know if you need more voice actors?