forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers

@soupnana group

Good question. Story boarders? Wait… I'm a story boarder. Well as far as I know, no.
Also, I know I am in charge of auditions and all, but I submitted my audition. Heh heh. Hope that's fine, but I wanted a go at it, and I also just wanted to let all the others in charge of auditions to know. 👌


Well, I would be happy to get started. Though I haven't been notified of any chat for the artists of this project, or of what scene we're supposed to storyboard…
Do the Rpers here have any scene in mind they'd like animated?

@soupnana group

I wasn't in the RP, but I know for sure I want Eli's death scene animated. It's so fricken epic and heart wrenching, and I know the RPers might want that scene animated too, since it's so significant to the story.


It's an amazing scene, so yes, that one's a priority. Off the top of my head, some other good scenes are the police's arrival, and maybe some Ella/Griffin cause it was just cute.
Otherwise, for singing, we could animate the actual performance.


It's an amazing scene, so yes, that one's a priority. Off the top of my head, some other good scenes are the police's arrival, and maybe some Ella/Griffin cause it was just cute.
Otherwise, for singing, we could animate the actual performance.

The death scene(s?), Ella/Griffin's scene, and the performance would be the best ones. Maybe another scene with Alice too.

Also, side note, I really didn't know how to write deaf characters so I might want to change a bit of Ana's dialogue and actions.


oh wait @altogether_quite_impossible_to_describe I'm looking through some of the auditions and I think I need to request access to yours (I think it's yours I'm not sure)


Playing Alice would be so much fun; I miss playing mean characters. My director keeps giving me sweet children to play, and then I have to think and be nice and ugh, but playing a brat or a villain is just so much more fun.


Yeah, I'm honestly not expecting to get a part, but this was definitely a fun experience. I was literally reading through the rp, saying Alice's lines as I read them lol I just like the character. I literally played Alice in. Alice in Wonderland like 3 months ago, so when I read the name Alice, I was lowkey hoping it was going to be a 7 year old serial killer lmao.

Deleted user

Even though I wasn't a part of the roleplay, I'm still so excited for this!

@GameMaster group

I think the aim is to provide a coherent storyline with the animations. The story Padres should start off but decide what they want to leave in and what they cut.