forum Artists, Roleplayers, People that can talk, come and see this idea.
Started by @Echo_6 group

people_alt 70 followers


Haha the rest of my teeth no longer have to be bossed around by the 'wisdom teeth.' So self assured man pushing around the other teeth XD


Hm sadly I can't voice act since I just got my wisdom teeth out and I know very little about animation, I play a couple instruments but I have never written music so I'm not very useful right now haha

What instruments? I was thinking if I wrote the music other people could play it so it's not just canned because…. I hate canned music, and I think having something other then flute music would be preferred.


I mean before I can commit to doing violin I'd probably have to see if I can actually hold the violin since you kind of hold it on your jaw/neck haha it should be fine

@soupnana group

I played violin once. It was terrible. Mostly because my teacher was horrible though. She would come into class and cry about her boyfriend or her dog. I feel like I learned more about my idiot teachers problems than how to play the violin.


I'm so sorry I'm asking this so much but when are the voice acting results/comebacks? sorry to be annoying I just never got a clear answer.


What does Canned mean?

It means put into a music reading program and spat back out, not recorded by actual people playing

@Echo_6 group

It took off way better than I expected to. Like this was just a random idea that I had and I expected other people to like it, but then nothing happen after that. And now I'm sitting here drinking my tea like, "I have started something amazing, and all the people helping are amazing."