forum Any other practicing witches on here?
Started by @CoolBeanz

people_alt 38 followers


Ah. Anyone else want to answer my question?

Satanists rarely ever worship the real Satan.
Think of it as 'spicy atheism'.

You sure. What about the altar to satan biz?

Well some of them actually do.
For most of them Satan is only really their mascot as a joke because to them he resembles pride in oneself and such.


Ah. Anyone else want to answer my question?

Satanists rarely ever worship the real Satan.
Think of it as 'spicy atheism'.

You sure. What about the altar to satan biz?

Well some of them actually do.
For most of them Satan is only really their mascot as a joke because to them he resembles pride in oneself and such.

Deleted user

Likewise, Goddess of Strife!

Hey have I explained to you how awesome my name is?
My first name is a reference to a god of war.
Middle name means immortal or victorious
And last is a Romanised version of the greek word for dragon.

I'm an immortal, victorious dragon, anointed to the God of War.
That's a Gary Stu ass name.

mind the hubris.


Likewise, Goddess of Strife!

Hey have I explained to you how awesome my name is?
My first name is a reference to a god of war.
Middle name means immortal or victorious
And last is a Romanised version of the greek word for dragon.

I'm an immortal, victorious dragon, anointed to the God of War.
That's a Gary Stu ass name.

mind the hubris.

Shush you!
boops nose


Ah. Anyone else want to answer my question?

Satanists rarely ever worship the real Satan.
Think of it as 'spicy atheism'.

You sure. What about the altar to satan biz?

Well some of them actually do.
For most of them Satan is only really their mascot as a joke because to them he resembles pride in oneself and such.

Mhm! One of my closest friends is a Satanist, mostly because he agrees with the Code, as one of the first few rules is literally "keep your hands to yourself unless you get consent to do otherwise".
He doesn't have an altar or goes out in the middle of the night to kidnap and sacrifice a fucking goat. He's a good guy following a Code he believes in. He attends our local Youth Group with me (I'm agnostic) and Octane (they're a Deist) and even though he's a freaking Satanist he still appreciates the basic lessons learned from Christ's actual teachings from when he was alive.

Deleted user

Hey, while I'm not a practicing witch, I am interested in the different groups there are. Wicca is the one I hear most about, but if I'm gonna be honest, I'd like to learn more. I'm actually interested in becoming a witch, given that I've been struggling a lot with religion as of late along with just the fact that, from what I've heard, it seems like a pretty chill and accepting belief system. Anyone here that could help?

Deleted user

Thanks! I'd like a general overview on practices, beliefs, and what types of witches there are to start so I can have some general knowledge maybe?

Deleted user

I mean, not to be a bother really, I just can never find any good material to reach me about stuff.


Start by doing research into what kinds you might be interested in! There's a bunch! The most popular ones as of now are New Age, Wicca, and Hedge witchery I think. There are also a lot of ones that are specific to one sort of culture. I don't trust myself to list all of them because there are quite literally hundreds. There's Houdoo, Voodoo, Santeria, Stregheria, Stregoneria, Brujeria, all the ias, there's Green witchcraft and necromancy, sorcery and Santanism. There's just. There's a lot.

Wait wait wait. Satan?!

Yeah, but a lot of witches don't like messing with that stuff. It's darker, bad energies, and makes you way too powerful. It's scary.


(raises eyebrow)

Im sure

Likewise, Goddess of Strife!

Hey have I explained to you how awesome my name is?
My first name is a reference to a god of war.
Middle name means immortal or victorious
And last is a Romanised version of the greek word for dragon.

I'm an immortal, victorious dragon, anointed to the God of War.
That's a Gary Stu ass name.

Oh my god that's amazing.


Ah. Anyone else want to answer my question?

Satanists rarely ever worship the real Satan.
Think of it as 'spicy atheism'.

You sure. What about the altar to satan biz?

Well some of them actually do.
For most of them Satan is only really their mascot as a joke because to them he resembles pride in oneself and such.

Mhm! One of my closest friends is a Satanist, mostly because he agrees with the Code, as one of the first few rules is literally "keep your hands to yourself unless you get consent to do otherwise".
He doesn't have an altar or goes out in the middle of the night to kidnap and sacrifice a fucking goat. He's a good guy following a Code he believes in. He attends our local Youth Group with me (I'm agnostic) and Octane (they're a Deist) and even though he's a freaking Satanist he still appreciates the basic lessons learned from Christ's actual teachings from when he was alive.

Oh interesting. He sounds different, better, from the Satanists I've met. Different people worship things differently, didn't mean to stereotype based on past experiences.


Hey, while I'm not a practicing witch, I am interested in the different groups there are. Wicca is the one I hear most about, but if I'm gonna be honest, I'd like to learn more. I'm actually interested in becoming a witch, given that I've been struggling a lot with religion as of late along with just the fact that, from what I've heard, it seems like a pretty chill and accepting belief system. Anyone here that could help?

Many of them are pretty chill and accepting as most pagan religions aren't organized. They don't have one leader (there are exceptions, but most of them), they don't follow out of one book, etc. Each witch practices according to their own moral compass. I don't particularly want to list every single form of witchcraft I know, so would you mind telling me what sort of thing you're interested in specifically so that I could narrow it down for you? Is there anything else that draws you to witchcraft other than acceptance?


Ah. Anyone else want to answer my question?

Satanists rarely ever worship the real Satan.
Think of it as 'spicy atheism'.

You sure. What about the altar to satan biz?

Well some of them actually do.
For most of them Satan is only really their mascot as a joke because to them he resembles pride in oneself and such.

Mhm! One of my closest friends is a Satanist, mostly because he agrees with the Code, as one of the first few rules is literally "keep your hands to yourself unless you get consent to do otherwise".
He doesn't have an altar or goes out in the middle of the night to kidnap and sacrifice a fucking goat. He's a good guy following a Code he believes in. He attends our local Youth Group with me (I'm agnostic) and Octane (they're a Deist) and even though he's a freaking Satanist he still appreciates the basic lessons learned from Christ's actual teachings from when he was alive.

Oh interesting. He sounds different, better, from the Satanists I've met. Different people worship things differently, didn't mean to stereotype based on past experiences.

It's okay man, I understand. He is a bit of an oddity but he carries a good soul within him.


Also, I may have had a prophetic dream last night and it's kinda freaking me out.

Basically, someone had gone around spreading all sorts of rumors about me, small and big, which led to me being asked all sorts of ridiculous questions by others that I brushed off and told them it was false.
But the thing is, one of the questions was not like the others. Apparently either someone outed me or just spread a rumor about me saying I wished to be a guy and called a guy name. All of it would've been fine… if it were false.
I couldn't deny it. That would be lying somewhat.
I couldn't confirm it. I would face judgement I was not prepared for (I'm still in the closet about my gender identity and preferred name).

All I was able to do was just stand there and string together the longest line of curses I've ever used in my entire life until I woke up.

Deleted user

Hey, while I'm not a practicing witch, I am interested in the different groups there are. Wicca is the one I hear most about, but if I'm gonna be honest, I'd like to learn more. I'm actually interested in becoming a witch, given that I've been struggling a lot with religion as of late along with just the fact that, from what I've heard, it seems like a pretty chill and accepting belief system. Anyone here that could help?

Many of them are pretty chill and accepting as most pagan religions aren't organized. They don't have one leader (there are exceptions, but most of them), they don't follow out of one book, etc. Each witch practices according to their own moral compass. I don't particularly want to list every single form of witchcraft I know, so would you mind telling me what sort of thing you're interested in specifically so that I could narrow it down for you? Is there anything else that draws you to witchcraft other than acceptance?

Well, I'm not really sure what I believe at this point in life. But I like the idea of meditation and positive energies, and I'm interested in groups that emphasize on the Earth and nature and doing good in general. I've just been drawn to the witchcraft because it seems weirdly logical. I dunno. Sorry if I'm being annoying.


Also, I may have had a prophetic dream last night and it's kinda freaking me out.

Basically, someone had gone around spreading all sorts of rumors about me, small and big, which led to me being asked all sorts of ridiculous questions by others that I brushed off and told them it was false.
But the thing is, one of the questions was not like the others. Apparently either someone outed me or just spread a rumor about me saying I wished to be a guy and called a guy name. All of it would've been fine… if it were false.
I couldn't deny it. That would be lying somewhat.
I couldn't confirm it. I would face judgement I was not prepared for (I'm still in the closet about my gender identity and preferred name).

All I was able to do was just stand there and string together the longest line of curses I've ever used in my entire life until I woke up.

Oh man well I definitely hope that it wasn't prophetic. That must have been a bad dream, I'm so sorry.


@"Red_Cactus_Writes_Fantasy (Call me Sparky)" No you're not being annoying at all!!! It sounds to me like Wicca actually would be a good fit for you, as it focuses a lot on both meditation and nature. Some other forms that focus on meditation are hedge witchery and others that I unfortunately can't think of right now, and some others for nature would be Druidism, Green witchcraft, and a lot of the ias.