forum Any other practicing witches on here?
Started by @CoolBeanz

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Okay so from what I've been researching, I'm could probably become a Green Witch/Warlock but I could possibly become a Hedge Witch/Warlock…


Druids say from nature, Wiccans say from the Spirit Element, I don't claim to know but I like to think it comes from a little bit of everything around us. After you train yourself to focus for it, seeing it around you almost becomes a second nature, you can feel energies and pick up on subtleties that people who haven't been taught to can't. The world, at least to me, seemed like a more beautiful one when I started to see that everything inherently has an energy. I was taught that the magic energies that witches use aren't that different from the potential, kinetic, thermal energies you learn about in science. When I shake someone's hand, we exchange thermal and kinetic energies. The powers that I channel come from that, just learning how to use it in unconventional ways. Think of it this way: An untouched talisman has no power on it's own. It's just an object. But if I hold it in my hands, or wear it, suddenly it's particles are reacting with mine and an energy is created specific to that talisman, and I can use it for magic. Depending on the material of the talisman, that energy is going to be different, and that's why different talismans have different uses. Their atomic structures are different, so they react differently when in contact with the heat you give off. I don't know if that makes you less or more confused, but the short answer is that I don't think the power "comes from" anywhere really, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It's just transferred I guess, and only becomes magic when you focus it as such.


@RedTheHopeless Both sound like great options! What are your draws to those two? You could try combining them, too. A lot of witches I know practice hodge-podges of a few kinds.


Okay yeah Shuri can explain things in a lot less words than me. I ramble, so sorry about that!

That was positively ravishing, dear!
For people who like witchcraft like me it was awesome!


@RedTheHopeless Both sound like great options! What are your draws to those two? You could try combining them, too. A lot of witches I know practice hodge-podges of a few kinds.

Well I basically grew up with a whole mountain as my backyard so to speak, and I love gardening (I have two gardens) and I have a butt ton of houseplants.
Also, I almost always have dreams and usually remember them when I wake up.


Oooh lucky, I live smack in the middle of the desert so not much grows here that wasn't already a desert plant (limits my gardening options a bit). Lucid dreams? Prophetic dreams? And yeah those definitely sound like great options for you!


I have lucid and occasionally prophetic dreams.
I've been forced awake by pure instinct at 2 am because I had a notion that someone was in danger.
First thing I did was check my PMs.
It was life or death.
I was right.


Oooh lucky, I live smack in the middle of the desert so not much grows here that wasn't already a desert plant (limits my gardening options a bit). Lucid dreams? Prophetic dreams? And yeah those definitely sound like great options for you!

Prophetic dreams and lucid dreams. They switch around so much I can barely tell the difference anymore…


Wow, man. I'd say you have powers, that's for sure. My sister is like that, she sees signs in her dreams constantly and they're always right. I have good intuition myself, but only during the day, I only had a prophetic dream once and I don't like to talk about it.

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I want to be one… So does my friend… But we're both in real religious households so we can't really find any good info…