forum Any other practicing witches on here?
Started by @CoolBeanz

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Shuri…. I'm telling you be careful with that sort of stuff. You don't want to give too much of yourself away.

I'll give anything to keep my loved ones safe.
My heart included. You guys and everyone else are my main priority.

Sorry about the tone shift…


I should also add that Llewellyn is specifically a resource FOR listing other resources. It's a pagan publishing company, what I usually do is find things they list on their website that apply to what I want to know, write them down, and look for them at the library or a free sample online. They're not a blog like other pagan sites, where the resource is the site itself.


Don't be sorry. If you give away your entire heart, then you'll never have anything left to give. You need to allow yourself time and space to heal, you can't just give and give and give or else you won't be able to help anyone again.


Don't be sorry. If you give away your entire heart, then you'll never have anything left to give. You need to allow yourself time and space to heal, you can't just give and give and give or else you won't be able to help anyone again.

I thought the universe had a way of balancing itself according to most forms of witchcraft…
If I keep giving, I'll keep getting, right?
And then I can give more away.

I know That's a gross oversimplification, but still…


Exactly, balance. If you give of yourself, you'll eventually get in return, but you still have to wait for that to happen, things aren't immediate. But if you use magic, or draw on outside powers, then it drains FROM you, because that's how it balances it out. If you use the energy from other things, you need to prepare to lose just as much of your own energy. That's why you need to be careful. If you try to use enough magic energy to stop someone from dying, that balancing act will bring you just as close to death. It's a dangerous game. That's why most people don't try to mess with controlling people, changing people's minds, stopping death, or starting life. All of those, that's necromancy and it's a horrible and greusome kind of magic. It leaves shells of people, people literally have dismembered body parts trying to appease the balance. It's never good enough, because in necromancy, you deal with forces that are outside your control. It eats at you from inside out. Stay away from any of that sort of stuff.


Of course I don't plan to do anything dangerous like that…
But I just need a little boost.
I may have unintentionally done something of that caliber once and I'm just fine…


If you need little boosts, use luck charms on yourself, or give the person a strength potion or something. Those are safe ways to use magic to help. What did you do?


If you need little boosts, use luck charms on yourself, or give the person a strength potion or something. Those are safe ways to use magic to help. What did you do?

I'll tell you in PM, OK?


Start by doing research into what kinds you might be interested in! There's a bunch! The most popular ones as of now are New Age, Wicca, and Hedge witchery I think. There are also a lot of ones that are specific to one sort of culture. I don't trust myself to list all of them because there are quite literally hundreds. There's Houdoo, Voodoo, Santeria, Stregheria, Stregoneria, Brujeria, all the ias, there's Green witchcraft and necromancy, sorcery and Santanism. There's just. There's a lot.

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So, I did a bit of looking into shit before and I found Italian witchcraft… Have you heard of it


Yeah! I believe that Stregheria and Stregoneria are two forms of Italian witchcraft if I'm not mistaken! One worships the roman gods, one worships the Catholic one. Are you Italian?

Deleted user

Yup, I'm Italian!
So is Lex, my friend who is also interested, I just asked them if that was something they thought was cool and they said yes!
From what I can see there are Janarra (lunar) witches, Tanarra (star) witches, and Fanarra (ley lines) witches.