forum Any other practicing witches on here?
Started by @CoolBeanz

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I sure hope it wasn't a prophetic dream but I do feel someone has been watching me, waiting for me to slip up. Kinda like a vigilant, dark energy almost but I could just be wrong and paranoid…

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Exorcisms should not be mentioned offhandedly. That shit is serious and should ONLY be handled by professional and truly holy personnel.

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@"Red_Cactus_Writes_Fantasy (Call me Sparky)" No you're not being annoying at all!!! It sounds to me like Wicca actually would be a good fit for you, as it focuses a lot on both meditation and nature. Some other forms that focus on meditation are hedge witchery and others that I unfortunately can't think of right now, and some others for nature would be Druidism, Green witchcraft, and a lot of the ias.

Thanks! I'll research those!


I sure hope it wasn't a prophetic dream but I do feel someone has been watching me, waiting for me to slip up. Kinda like a vigilant, dark energy almost but I could just be wrong and paranoid…

Hmm, while I usually advocate for trusting your instincts, I also don't want you to worry too much, it's not good for the heart. Maybe try a protection spell if you'd like!


I was fine with all this at first but now I'm not so sure

If this makes you uncomfortable at all, feel free to leave, there's no pressure in staying a part of this thread.


Exorcisms should not be mentioned offhandedly. That shit is serious and should ONLY be handled by professional and truly holy personnel.

Yeah, they're horrifying to see and even more horrifying to be a part of, but Shuri has done them successfully before and while things like that make me uneasy, I trust him to be able to handle what he thinks he's able to handle.


I sure hope it wasn't a prophetic dream but I do feel someone has been watching me, waiting for me to slip up. Kinda like a vigilant, dark energy almost but I could just be wrong and paranoid…

Hmm, while I usually advocate for trusting your instincts, I also don't want you to worry too much, it's not good for the heart. Maybe try a protection spell if you'd like!

Oh! And if you're aren't comfortable enough with spell-casting, something that works for protecting yourself against negative spirits is tying up amethyst, quartz, tigers eye, allspice, and cinnamon in a small bag, writing your name and placing it inside, and then wearing the bag on a string around your neck.

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I'm sorry but for some reason I doubt a teenager has done them successfully


I'm sorry but for some reason I doubt a teenager has done them successfully

Well it sounds unlikely in theory but I try to take people at their words, and he's told me about one instance in enough detail to make it feel true.


I sure hope it wasn't a prophetic dream but I do feel someone has been watching me, waiting for me to slip up. Kinda like a vigilant, dark energy almost but I could just be wrong and paranoid…

Hmm, while I usually advocate for trusting your instincts, I also don't want you to worry too much, it's not good for the heart. Maybe try a protection spell if you'd like!

Oh! And if you're aren't comfortable enough with spell-casting, something that works for protecting yourself against negative spirits is tying up amethyst, quartz, tigers eye, allspice, and cinnamon in a small bag, writing your name and placing it inside, and then wearing the bag on a string around your neck.

Well, it looks like I might have to resort to using a protection spell anyways, whether or not I'm comfortable with it. I don't have enough materials to make that simple charm (I don't have tigers eye and quartz)


Oh you can substitute in agate, garnet, anything made of iron, jade, magnetite or obsidian. It's not so cut and dry, there are a lot of other protection minerals. But if you do want to do a spell, my go-to protection spell is a this salt circle: You take salt, pour it in a clockwise circle around wherever you live, and say "Protective fae, gods, dragons too, hear my magic call to you. Lend your powers to mine, guard this space, as together we bless this now sacred place." When you're done pouring the salt say, "To the spirits gathered near, I thank you for your presence here. Return safely whence you came by powers of earth, wind, fire, rain. To god and goddess both I tell a thanks for aiding in my spell, and now that it is almost done, I call upon the Moon and Sun. By power of the Rule of 3, as I will it, so it shall be."

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Are exorcism for ghosts or demons?

Demons or bad spirits.

Okay, thanks. Most ghosts don't bother me, they don't like me very much so they avoid me.


Are exorcism for ghosts or demons?

Demons or bad spirits.

Okay, thanks. Most ghosts don't bother me, they don't like me very much so they avoid me.

Huh, I wonder why.

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Are exorcism for ghosts or demons?

Demons or bad spirits.

Okay, thanks. Most ghosts don't bother me, they don't like me very much so they avoid me.

Huh, I wonder why.

I dunno, I think they like Lex though. They're always at their house or around the park.

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Only one of them hangs around my house, mostly there are some ghosty animals that hang out there.