forum Any other practicing witches on here?
Started by @CoolBeanz

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Hey everyone! I have been interested in Wicca for a while, and the one friend I was going to ask is now being homeschooled - he was being bullied for something he couldn't control - is there anything I should know as just complete and utter basics? I know that herbs play a part (i have a very full planter), along with rocks (i have a collection), and incense, but I don't know where to find reliable information. Could you all help with this?
I don't know if this is relevant, but my rocks and plants give me an enormous sense of tranquility, and I am happiest when handling them. I can only sleep in one place for 3-5 weeks before moving, I have slept and nested in every room of my home, because if I stay in one place I feel watched. I hope to find a connection beyond myself. Any thoughts at all would greatly help.


Hey everyone! I have been interested in Wicca for a while, and the one friend I was going to ask is now being homeschooled - he was being bullied for something he couldn't control - is there anything I should know as just complete and utter basics? I know that herbs play a part (i have a very full planter), along with rocks (i have a collection), and incense, but I don't know where to find reliable information. Could you all help with this?
I don't know if this is relevant, but my rocks and plants give me an enormous sense of tranquility, and I am happiest when handling them. I can only sleep in one place for 3-5 weeks before moving, I have slept and nested in every room of my home, because if I stay in one place I feel watched. I hope to find a connection beyond myself. Any thoughts at all would greatly help.

Of course! I can't speak for you, so of it feels relevant then it probably is. A big part of Witchcraft is about being in tune with both your gut feelings and with nature, and it seems like you've got the first part down to me at least. Llewellyn publishes a ton of good books and trustworthy resources for practicing Wicca that you can use, and you can find a lot of that on their website. For complete and utter basics, I'd go with familiarizing yourself with the tools used, getting to know yourself better, getting to know the nature around you better and stuff like that. I'm not Wiccan, so if I were you I'd also try to get an answer from somone on this thread who is.

Deleted user

Actually, I myself have been considering converting to Wicca, so any advice would be appreciated as well.


Actually, I myself have been considering converting to Wicca, so any advice would be appreciated as well.

I've already given as much advice on Wicca as I know. I believe @ErisTheFireBreathingBitchDragon™ is Wiccan, so she might be able to answer questions if she wants to.


I've fallen to a cold, and so I thought I'd post the contents of my healing bag here. The type of healing bag I use is called an Ouanga bag, which is a Voodoo tradition that I use because it works for colds, but there are other uses for them I'm sure, I just haven't bought or put together one for any other purpose. The recipe for the cold-healing Ouanga I use is dried lavender, a dried rose bud, and pieces of Alder and Willow bark placed inside of a leather bag and sealed with the Voodoo marking for healing. Inside put a small piece of paper with your full/true/magic name on it and a piece of jewelry that's special to you. I wear mine around my neck, and bought it at a Voodoo shop, but you can also make your own I think.

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Okay, help. I've recently converted to Wicca, but any spell will do. Currently, a Blood Moon is going to happen, and I'm wondering: What spells to do during that time? I want to take advantage of any extra powers/protections/other I can get during this time, any suggestions? Thanks in advance!


Okay, help. I've recently converted to Wicca, but any spell will do. Currently, a Blood Moon is going to happen, and I'm wondering: What spells to do during that time? I want to take advantage of any extra powers/protections/other I can get during this time, any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

Hi! I'm not Wiccan, but when it comes to the Moon sabbats, I find that these are best times for quiet inward reflections. Meditations and prayers and such, as opposed to the more outward celebrations I do for Sun sabbats. This is a good time to charge any amulets, crystals, talismen, etc. The blood moon is a strength moon, so this will especially be good if you have any strength related items to charge up! I personally don't do any spells on these nights, as I find them better for re-charging my energy instead of sending it out, but feel free to take everything I say with a grain of salt because witchcraft is personal and if this doesn't sound right for you, it probably isn't!

@TeamMezzo group

Umm, I have encountered an issue. I can't get herbs and stuff, because winter in the big city is a thing. My parents would be suspicious if I asked them to get me herbs cuz I can't cook anything, and I don't really wanna explain to them that I'm a witch(ish)… I think that may be an obstacle.


@TheMezzoSystem Yeah that does sound like an obstacle. A good winter alternative to fresh herbs are the usual dried spices you can find in your home! You'd be surprised at how much cinnamon can do, or the versatility of black pepper.