forum Any other practicing witches on here?
Started by @CoolBeanz

people_alt 38 followers


It's not that weird, according to a lot of religion, animals aren't judged like humans in the afterlife and so it's widely believed that all animals turn into ghosts when they die.


Oh you can substitute in agate, garnet, anything made of iron, jade, magnetite or obsidian. It's not so cut and dry, there are a lot of other protection minerals. But if you do want to do a spell, my go-to protection spell is a this salt circle: You take salt, pour it in a clockwise circle around wherever you live, and say "Protective fae, gods, dragons too, hear my magic call to you. Lend your powers to mine, guard this space, as together we bless this now sacred place." When you're done pouring the salt say, "To the spirits gathered near, I thank you for your presence here. Return safely whence you came by powers of earth, wind, fire, rain. To god and goddess both I tell a thanks for aiding in my spell, and now that it is almost done, I call upon the Moon and Sun. By power of the Rule of 3, as I will it, so it shall be."

Thank you! I'm gonna copy that down so I don't forget

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I would prefer it if you didn't worry about me thank you.
I just ask that you try to be more open minded about other people's beliefs. This brings comfort to people. Having an interest in learning more about the ancient ways is not forsaking our souls and what not.
Meditation is literally just like praying. Its a reflection upon the self to find your inner most passions and thoughts and reach Nirvana with who you are as a person. It also provides time to thing on issues in ones life and connect with ones deity. Saying that yoga is equal to that is offensive.

Magic isn't a dirty word, it's more ancient than any religion on this planet and should be respected

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I was raised catholic and then turned to Druidism because it fit better with who I am. Don't disregard people's choices as bad because they are different than yours.

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What the actual…..Imma offer out a piece of advice with extreme gentleness okay?

Research things before forming an opinion.

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meditation has NOTHING to do with summoning demons.

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Meditation is "sitting and thinking about your life"
Yoga is "stretching"


If you're really trying to be open-minded and "wholesome", then why are you posting negative shit on everything you find a problem with just because you're "Catholic"? Hmm? Why do you claim to be a positive force when you so obviously spread hate and give opinions that literally no one has asked for?


Oh you can substitute in agate, garnet, anything made of iron, jade, magnetite or obsidian. It's not so cut and dry, there are a lot of other protection minerals. But if you do want to do a spell, my go-to protection spell is a this salt circle: You take salt, pour it in a clockwise circle around wherever you live, and say "Protective fae, gods, dragons too, hear my magic call to you. Lend your powers to mine, guard this space, as together we bless this now sacred place." When you're done pouring the salt say, "To the spirits gathered near, I thank you for your presence here. Return safely whence you came by powers of earth, wind, fire, rain. To god and goddess both I tell a thanks for aiding in my spell, and now that it is almost done, I call upon the Moon and Sun. By power of the Rule of 3, as I will it, so it shall be."

Thank you! I'm gonna copy that down so I don't forget

You're welcome!


I was fine with all this at first but now I'm not so sure

If this makes you uncomfortable at all, feel free to leave, there's no pressure in staying a part of this thread.

No, as in I'm worried about you guys. The more I learn, the worse it gets, and I'm sorry if I offend you all by saying this, but I don't think anything that you're doing is worth it. You guys talk about all the ghosts and spirits you deal with, yet I don't have any, my friends don't have any, NONE of the people I've ever met in my entire life have ever had any experiences with ghosts, demons or evil spirits. But people trying to learn witch magic have them, and I'm starting to think that what you're doing is just driving more to you, like an ouija board or something. I know I'm forever going to be known as the ignorant Catholic girl for this but I don't care, last night I started tearing up in the middle of prayers because I'm just SO worried that you guys are going to suffer terrible fates simply because you don't fully know what you're doing. The prophetic dreams and essential oils, those I can understand, my absolute hero and inspiration Akiane Kramarik has visions and dreams like that, and my mom is one of those "oily moms" that the internet hates. But demons, protection spells, salt circles? That stuff is just too much, and what's the purpose of all this? Meditation? Isn't yoga good enough for that? Again, I'm sorry if I offend you guys, and I can leave if you want me to, but I'm really not sure how I feel knowing that you could be putting your lives and the lives of people you know in danger all for the sake of "magic".

Nah it's cool you're not being offensive. And I understand your viewpoint, but it's also the viewpoint of an outsider. I've been raised with magic literally my entire life. People come to my grandmother for help with spirits and everything, and these people have never had any experience with magic, which is why they come to her. It's definitely not for everyone, and it's weird, and sometimes scary, but it's not any more dangerous than regular life, it's just that some of the dangers are metaphysical instead of physical. I don't really advocate for it, and I wasn't expecting all the people saying that they wanted to be witches, this thread was made for people who were already witches, but I'm also not going to deter them because most people who are drawn to magic are drawn to it because they've already noticed the weird stuff in life.

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No need to go and change your username to something melodramatic because someone called you out about how you act.
This is what forums are for, my guy.

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Hun, instead of posting that entire statement onto here, you could have left the chat and none of this would have happened. On another note, would you like to talk about the full reason in PMs? I've been told I can be a good listener.

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Lord, what are we? Five?

Eris, I feel as if we should drop the subject and refrain from tainting this chat of knowledge with a petty argument. The only thing relating to that on here should be apologies.

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Hmmm nice words Buzz.
And yet I see no apologies from the offending party.