forum Any other practicing witches on here?
Started by @CoolBeanz

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Hey, Guys! Just wondering if I'm the only one on here that actually practices witchcraft. If not, maybe we could share spells or recipes or just make it a witch support group I don't even know but yeah. Open to all types of witches, whether you practice Wicca, Santeria, Brujaria, Stregaria, Druidism, New Age, whatever it is you do there's too many of em to list.


I'm really interested in becoming a witch and I have a garden and a forest I can get stuff from but I don't know what to do or where to start, sorry…

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Practicing Wicca here. But idk about….'spells' its mostly just meditation and herbcraft. Holistic medicines.
I'm learning Druidism as well.


@RedTheHopeless I think a good place to start if it's something you're interested in is maybe looking up the different types of magic and seeing which one fits you best, because from there it'll tell you what ingredients to use for what and everything. Decide if you want to worship anything or not, maybe make an alter if you do or just set up a box of witch stuff if you don't.


@ErisTheSamuraiQueen™ Cool! I've read a lot of books on Wicca and it does seem to me like a lot of it is meditation, yeah. A lot of other forms I know about do things like spells, but if you'd like we could also talk about meditation techniques or share things about herbs we've learned!


@"The Althalosian" Yeah! Though, different types of witchcraft define magic in slightly different ways, I think a good neutral way to describe it is as a way through which you can affect your life, or the lives of others, through exchanges of energy. Whether this exchange is through a spell, a meditation, through healing, or praying, etc, is up to the individual.


And as for myself, I've worshiped the year and the trees in a very Druid way since I was 12, but I practice like a Bruja because that's what my grandma is and she's who taught me.


Wait, so witches are actually still real but they don’t fly on broomsticks? Stop, no, that’s making my favorite cutesy children’s anime look weird…


@RedTheHopeless I think a good place to start if it's something you're interested in is maybe looking up the different types of magic and seeing which one fits you best, because from there it'll tell you what ingredients to use for what and everything. Decide if you want to worship anything or not, maybe make an alter if you do or just set up a box of witch stuff if you don't.

Thank you! I shall begin my research and post what I find, along with any more questions I find along the way.


I'm currently learning a few spells but they're baby ones since I'm a beginner

Awesome! If you need help with any of them maybe I can be of some assistance!


@"NutEllaDraws (There Will Be NO CURSING On My GOOD CHRISTIAN SERVER)" I mean the broom can be a part of a ceremony, but it's used for banishing negative spirits from your home instead of flying. The legend of witches flying on broomsticks originated when witches would put hallucinogenic concoctions on the handles of their brooms, making them feel as if they were "flying".


So… can you do crap like summon fireballs or not?

I have personally never met anyone who could do that, but I HAVE seen some impossible shit, so I'm not gonna say with certainty that it isn't possible. The most I've ever done controlling the elements wise was move a pebble across my palm by saying an incantation and that took me an entire day until I got it.


Of course! I'm sure there are some who disagree, but that's because no one agrees on anything, it's not like an organized religion. I'm pretty sure most people would say that male witches, or warlocks if you prefer that term, are great. I mean, Scott Cunningham and Raymond Buckland are both male, and they're some pretty famous modern witches.