forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Hi everyone. Excuse me if I don't show up a lot during this summer. I have problems trying to get on a computer. I'll update every chance I get. Also, yes. CayleighTastical, you are in charge here when I'm not available.) I mean, you do have the most knowledge of the supernatural, clearly! (I'd definitely agree with that.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Hello everyone!) Abby sounds a lot more chipper on here than in real life. I swear she's acting like a zombie today.(I feel like one. I really need some coffee right now. Anyway, I need to ask everyone something.) Not the fashion thing again…. (No, you idiot. It's about the book.) Oh! Ok! I really like that subject! I can't wait until you finish! (It might be a couple years Marcus…) Doesn't matter. I'll be with you every step of the way! (Ok, anyways, does anyone have a name for a centaur who has a deer's body instead of horse? Also, what's a good name for a castle in which all the creatures in it love each other WAY too much? I was thinking "The Castle of Shadowmoon" but I'm not quite sure.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Oh dear…) I'm never giving my kids sugar. It'll all be Splenda. (Umm… Marcus? First of all, you don't have a body to sire children, and second, who the hell would the mother be?) ……..

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(Okay, so there's this really beautiful girl around my age following me everywhere. She talks to me a lot and when I ignore her really bad things happen. What is she do you think?)

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(Oh, I forgot to mention nobody but me can see her.)

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(I mean she can move things around and interact with the environment but idk?)