forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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(Okay, so I accidentally got rid of Maggie via a horrific… salt accident. And Kirk decided to move on to the apparent "Spirit Realm" so now I'm alone… Except for Valkyrie lady of death. I'm officially forever alone.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

…Oh no. (**cries**) Oh dear… A-I mean Whisper. It's okay. It's gonna be ok. Sorry guys. I literally typed this for her seeing as how she's mentally breaking down. She has a weird issue where when she's upset, she freezes up. She can't do anything. Not even cry. I think it has something to do with her mother smacking her when she cried as a younger kid. I'm lucky I can control her body still. She's gonna need extra love tonight. Cayleigh, you seem to be the ghost/spirit expert here. Is there anyway to be a ghost back. I think Whisper's freaking out that she's gonna make a mistake and send me away.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Hey. We're back. Whisper? (sorry…) She's a little embarrassed at her emotional burst. It's very rare that she feels any emotion other than guilt and anger. Don't worry A- Whisper. I still love you. (love you too…) Anyways, we both agreed to change the name of the discussion. Does anybody have ideas?

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

(There is a spell……it could work to bring a ghost back. I haven't tried it, it always seemed to…….dangerous. But it's my job as a Wiccan to help ghosts and mortals alike, like you Whisper. This spell has only been tried once…….it might have worked. But the Warlock that used it turned evil, got all Warlocks banned and turned them evil. Plus, every time a witch got banned, she joined his Evil council as well. And is trying to kill me, my sister, and all the good witches. Are you sure you want to try it? Because you're mortal, the side effects could be worse. We don't really want a half-demon running around. Choose wisely.) Cayleigh………..I thought you swore you wouldn't tell. You haven't even told your mom! (She isn't my mom, she just thinks she is. It had to be said. I don't like lying.)

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(Hi, Hufflepuff here. Do demons count? I need some help. I also have several ghosts but most of them ignore me.)

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(His name is Chester and he's trying to seduce me… I've already told him demons aren't my type.)

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At least he isn't giving you cuddles.

(Yeah he is. He latches onto me like a land manatee squid lobster.)

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(HH, I didn't mean those types of cuddles.) Ohh, look whos dirty minded all of a sudden! (Peeves, shut up) You knoooooooow you loooooooooove them.

(Oh my stars, I meant in terms of excessive hugging not…. you know….)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Hey guys. I'm back. Marcus left for a while.[Again] He doesn't exactly like my family. My mother and father are very christian. He doesn't exactly like overly religious people. No idea why honestly. And thank you CayleighTastical. For the record, my name is Abby. Since it's such a common name, I feel safe sharing that. And I've been looking at Wicca and other things of the sort. Do you have to be born one? And don't worry, I would only use the spell as a last resort. By the way Peeves, the only reason I have a dirty mind was because of Marcus. So are you sure you weren't the one to give her a dirty mind in the first place? Also, Heartbroken Hufflepuff, demons are definitely welcome to talk on this forum. Also, I seriously can't think of any discussion names. I mean, this forum's hardly about just Marcus anymore.) She's right you know. (MARCUS!!!!) Abby is very happy right now.

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(I really don't think it would be safe to let Chester talk on this chat..) MORTAL SCUM!!!!!! (Chester go away)

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(Yeah um… he'll either insult you or try to woo you soooooo….. and his woo-ing isn't exactly G-Rated.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(lol. Sounds like Marcus when I turned 15.) Hey! I wasn't that bad! (Well, yes, you never insulted me, but wooing on the other hand…) I swear I was not that bad! (Who thought me to have a dirty mind?) The internet maybe? (Whatever. Any ways.)

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

I think I might just put PG-13 on the name of the forum. (Can't deny I'm laughing though. It sounds like us when we first started the forum.) True. And you still yell at me once in a while. (Only when you're a d#@!.) Hey! Censor that! Like you said, "Marcus, we need the consent of ALL the people on here, before you do something like that." (Oh be quiet. I'll censor it ok?) Good girlfriend. (Oh, so now I'm your girlfriend huh?) Oh, shut up.