forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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Hello and I don't know if I have a ghost of not.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

( hello, I was called here for ghost findings.)

(Okay everyone! I told AmericasFavoriteFightingFrenchGirl_LAFFETTE! over here because she wants to know if she's got a spirit here as well. She's gonna give us a little background info on anything weird that could possibly be supernatural, and see if we can tell if it's a ghost. Can you guys help? [Also Be warned, there's someone on this board with a pretty wild demon. Ve careful.]) Hey AmericasFavoriteFightingFrenchGirl_LAFFETTE! ! I'm Marcus! the hauntees are typing with "()" And us ghosts/spirits/demons don't. So always use parentheses! Thanks! (That was very civil of you for once Marcus. I'm proud of you!) Does that mean I get another kiss? (…)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Lol. Perkins, are you a spirit or ghost?

I'm not quite sure. (Yeah, he has a few memories of the past but they're very fogged, we don't know quite yet.)

He's probably a ghost then. It sounds like he died, which would make him a ghost.

Deleted user

(Lol. Perkins, are you a spirit or ghost?

I'm not quite sure. (Yeah, he has a few memories of the past but they're very fogged, we don't know quite yet.)

He's probably a ghost then. It sounds like he died, which would make him a ghost.

(Thanks for the info!)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Hello fellow people

(Hey Typhoon! Feel free to put your thoughts in whenever you want. Our only rule on this board is no judging the hauntees. So, we all welcome the first non-supernatural/hauntee! Everybody be nice!) Try telling that to Azoth.. (Marcus…) Okay, okay…sheesh.

Deleted user

I mean I don't know. I always though my house was haunted in a weird way. Like most of the paranormal activity happened when I was little but it doesn't happen often anymore. So like right now, you can hear sounds all around the house when I'm alone, sometimes I can feel a presence like once in awhile. Like I would get chills and like I can actually feel something touching me. So when I was little, I was a very sick child, so like I don't know if a demon made me sick or made me see all these hallucinations or something, but like I would always wake up at midnight to all these growls and screeches and someone trying to break through the door. So when I opened the door there would be a dinosaur skeleton standing there, and it would like try to kill me. But I knew that was a hallucination not really, so then I ran all over the house turning on all the lights trying to find someone, but like no one was there. There was another time where I was going back to my bed because bathroom break when the closet doors suddenly opened and like there was no wind at all. I also have these really vivid dreams it's crazy. Like one time, I went to bed right? And then I woke up and I was at my grandma's house and I spent an entire day with her, but when I woke up. I was back at my house and I actually never went, I don't know if that counts for something.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Oh Frick… (You can say that again Marcus. I've never heard of something that bizarre on this forum. Anybody else have thoughts? I cannot process this one.) Do you remember what kind of dinosaur skeleton? It might help us, IDK.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

So, a spirit that showed itself in the form of a pteranodon… the spirit must have some some of connection to a pteranodon to show itself in that specific form… and you said you were somehow moved between two deferent houses without knowledge of it? (Wow, you got Marcus intrigued. I've never seen him so deep in thought.)

Deleted user

and you said you were somehow moved between two deferent houses without knowledge of it? < That part.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

This: {And then I woke up and I was at my grandma's house and I spent an entire day with her, but when I woke up. I was back at my house and I actually never went, I don't know if that counts for something.} You were moved between houses. I'm not sure if it was physiological or physical, but either way…

Deleted user

( I think it was Physiological because my parents acted like it never happened and they gave me weird looks.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

You were still moved then. Also, something must be connected to your grandmother if you were hallucinating going to her house. Did you have a strong relationship with her?

Deleted user

Yes a very strong, I slept over at her house a lot and she was really nice…….that was before she passed away. I mean I would still have some hallucinations at her house too.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Still. She was a strong force in your life, so your mind tried escaping the harsh hallucinations sometimes by making trips [whether or not they were real] to probably soften the harsh conditions of whatever the demon/spirit was making. (ok, I think that you shouldn't take just Marcus' ideas. Seriously, does anyone else on this forum have ideas to contribute?)

Deleted user

What should I do if it's a demon?

What should I do if it's a spirit?

Should I talk to it?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Talk to it, but keep some salt on hand just in case. (See if it talks to you.) But guy seems pretty scary. If CaylieghTastical comes back in a little while maybe she can give some tips. She's the Wiccan of the forum. (But let's keep that little tidbit of info in this forum. From how Peeves acted, it seems she doesn't tell a lot of people.)