forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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(Uuuuummmm… well. I don't have any recommendations for getting rid of spirits. I never really wanted to get rid of mine. Does anybody else have ideas?) What do you mean by Kirk is a "stalker"? What does he do on a day to day basis?

He's a bit of a pervert. He likes to get into whatever I'm doing, and he annoys all the other spirits too.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Uuuuummmm… well. I don't have any recommendations for getting rid of spirits. I never really wanted to get rid of mine. Does anybody else have ideas?) What do you mean by Kirk is a "stalker"? What does he do on a day to day basis?

He's a bit of a pervert. He likes to get into whatever I'm doing, and he annoys all the other spirits too.

(Heh heh. Sounds like Marcus. Lol. They should meet sometime. Lol.) Hey! What the hell?! I'm not a pervert. (Hmmmm… let's see… you keep joking about the fact that "If I wanted to, I could watch you chaaaange!" and you sleep in my F***** bed every night. No. You're not a pervert at all!)

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Then there's this teen named Maggie, she's nice but doesn't talk a lot. She's very shy.

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And a Viking Warrior Maiden who has taken over the laundry room. I can't go in there without being pummled to near death. What do I do?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Everyone here says, salt. Haven't personally tried it though.) It's 'cause you love me. (Keep telling yourself that Marcus. Keep telling yourself that…)

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Yeah, but I can't make it past the door, and I don't actually want to die and join the crazy viking lady so….?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Kirk is exactly like Parker. If he really is a pervert I would try throwing salt at him. Generally works. (Why are you so mean to meeeeeeeee?) Parker, get oout of my chat!

(Hey, how about everyone's ghosts can talk here too? It would make Marcus happy.) Whisper. This is why. I. Love. You. (Aaaaand he hugged me.) Come on! You like my snuggles. Even when you're in denial of it. (Just be quiet.)

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Sure! I'll get Maggie over here, she loves using the internet.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Maggie sounds nice. Can't wait to meet her. Also, when both spirits and living people are talking, here's a rule to make it less confusing: (Living) no brackets Spirit. I think it would make it easier for all of us.

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Actually, Maggie refuses to come over here and I need to go stop Kirk from killing the cat, so I'll be back later.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Yeah, but I can't make it past the door, and I don't actually want to die and join the crazy viking lady so….?

(Try throwing the other side of the door?) This Valkyrie sounds like my kinda person! (I swear Marcus… Ok guys, so you've told me how to get rid of spirits. Now is there anyway to keep a ghost with you?) SEE!!? SHE LOVES ME!! (uuuugghh…. I hate you…)

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The cat is safe now, Maggie is still hiding in the cupboard under the stairs, and Kirk is reading. And the viking crazy lady is shouting "For Valhalla" at random. And all the other ghosts are doing their own thing.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Hola compañero espíritu Parker. How are you? (Ugh. Marcus. Google translate again?) Whaaaat?It's fun! I can confuse people! (You confuse me with out the freaking google translate.) Anyway Parker, what's your favorite thing to do with CayleighTasical? I want to know what everyone else does with their pets. (I'M NOT YOUR FREAKING PET YOU #&%$!!!!!!) You're adorable A- I mean, Whisper. (Can I cry now from frustration?) Only if it's on my shoulder. (I'm gonna go insane. Pardon me while I go rip apart another stress ball. With my teeth.)

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Kirk here. N- I mean, BBC_Fangirl is typing for me since my hand goes through the keyboard.

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(Why are you even making me do this.) Just type it! (No, I'm not going to tell them creepy things.) Awww, why not?! (You idiot, Kirk.) Why you-

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Parker here! Sometimes I take my pet for walks to other houses, like her aunts! The ghosts there are fun, especially Cheerful Caitlyn. (Caitlynn and Parker, sitting in a tree…) Hey, my turn to talk now Cayleigh! Plus, her second cousin who's four can see ghosts too! SHE likes cuddling with me! (You make me feel cold and like my arms and legs fell asleep, and it's weird. And you DO NOT take me for walks!) Your just upset you can't fly. (Well at least I can eat!) Too far Cay, too far.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Really? Cool.) BBC_Fangirl, go ahead and type the "creepy things" for him! I wanna know! And Whisper does too, even if she tries to deny it. She has a very intense dark side. (…) See? She doesn't even deny it! (rrrgh…) And Parker! Viral high five! And Cayleigh, that was low…Also! I have news! (Don't you even dare…)