forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

Okay. So here's the run down. If you have a spirit/ghost/demon friend that likes to haunt you, you've come to the right place. Here, we talk about our lives with spirit and demons, how we deal with each other, and our spirits and demons can talk here as well. My spirit is named Marcus. Feel free to join at anytime, but NO ONE MAY JUDGE ANYONE FOR ANYTHING!!!!!!


How do people become cursed? There's someone I follow on Tumblr that's haunted by a Russian tickle demon (that's the best way to describe it), but she's a black woman living in NY, so how does it work? Is it random? Do you necessarily have to do something to gain the ire of the spirits? Or do they just pick targets for giggles?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(This is Whisper speaking. Keep in mind that when I'm typing this, it's pretty much just Marcus using my hands, so to speak. Ciao!) Back to Marcus (Yeah, thanks "Whisper". Like people want to hear from you.): Welp. I don't talk to many other spirits. "Whisper" as she calls herself on this site, hardly goes anywhere. I would think that most spirits, demons, etc. just choose the people 'cause they have an interest in the person. But, like I said. My pet hardly goes anywhere. (Hey! I'm not your freaking PET!) She can be cute when she's angry. And fruitbat, I'd definitely say it varies from spirit to spirit. I introduced myself to "Whisper" through her dreams. Then, I started talking to her in the daytime through her head. She only tells a few people about me if she trusts them. Took her long enough! She has only told her little sister about me but she hasn't told anybody else in her family. I say she's afraid of being shipped off to the mental hospital. lol. The other spirits in the house think I'm crazy for talking to her. (Wait, so there are other spirits here? I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING!) When have I ever joked? (Fair…)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(I generally can only see him in dreams, but he generally only likes to talk to me. Sometimes I can feel him. It's kinda like a tingle.) Yeah, she loves it when I cuddle her.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(I'M BAAAACK!) Shut up "Whisper". And Scarlet, I'm like a living Adonis! Best thing you could ever see! (Uh huuuuuh… right… anyway, Scarlet, he has a gray sweatshirt, black jeans, shaggy dark brown hair, and bright blue eyes. And NO I DON'T LIKE YOUR F** CUDDLES MARCUS!!!!) Yes you doooo… I'll cuddle with you tonight… (If YOU F**** DO I'LL NOT HESITATE TO EXORCISE YOU!!) Uh huuuuh… right… lol. *She really loves it. (you're impossible….)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Nah.) Only when I'm mad. (He's generally a sweet guy.) Don't call me sweet. (A softie then.) I'll slip into your bed for sure now. (I'll spray holy water on my bed!) How do you know if that works? lol (does it?) Why would I tell you?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(I was too nice. I didn't do it last night) Heee heee! It'd've been hard to explain to her parents why there's salt on her floor. So I still have her! Ha ha! (I hate you sometimes….) By the way, if I can't talk it's because my pet's parents are stick in the muds. (Can't disagree there. I'm not allowed on the computer. So. Yeah.) Like I said. Stick in the muds.

Deleted user

I see spirits sometimes. Should I call ghostbusters? There's one in particular named Kirk who is a stalker. What do I do?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Uuuuummmm… well. I don't have any recommendations for getting rid of spirits. I never really wanted to get rid of mine. Does anybody else have ideas?) What do you mean by Kirk is a "stalker"? What does he do on a day to day basis?

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

I HAVE A GHOST LIKE THAT! His name is Parker, but I call him Peeves like the annoying ghost from Hogwarts. I just told him I don't think of him that way, or I ignore him. We used to umm…….date………but that got a little weird. Geez, I date the weirdest people. Ghosts, the Wind. Is that weird?

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

OMG IM SO EXCITED! I've found another person in real life that can see ghosts! I'm at my cousin's and my four-year-old second cousin walked in on me talking to Cheerful Caitlyn who was lying on the ceiling. She pointed to the ceiling and said,"Are you talking to the girl on the ceiling?" I got super excited and started asking her about her appearance and SHE GOT EVERY SINGLE QUESTION RIGHT! Then I called in a ghost dog and asked her stuff about him, and she got EVERYTHING RIGHT AGAIN! I'm so excited!