forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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GUYS IT'S FUCKING ALL HALLOWS EVE! I'm in a dragon onsie. And now all the ghosts are weirded out. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LEAVE ME ALONE!

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I'm dressed as a Decayed (a human who got bit by a zombie, but isn't entirely a zombie.) and I did it all in the school bathroom in ten minutes and got blue and red dye everywhere.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

AAAAAAnd that's my boyfriend. ^^ He dressed up as Connor from Detroit Become Human. He's the cutest, most handsome man on earth. (My boyfriend, not the fictional character)

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-disco dances out- Oh btw Jeff has a tiny dick so he didn't get laid.

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Haha yay. Also-punches Jeff- that's for bruising me, you rough mother fucker. -kicks his dick- and that's for having to small of a cock

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OH HI BABE! -waves- other ghosts,demons,Jeff. Say hi to my boyfriend.

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-pokes Jeff- hey where'd everybody go? (Dunno) Evan stop existing (if I die you die) bastard(bitch) AUGH where IS everyone?

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Guys I'ma leave this chat I've got to many flooding it and it's sorta dead.