forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@V01DtheFae group

I asked him a few questions like knock on something if this or knock on that if it's this and i asked if it was actually Jeff and he knocked on the window which is the way he enters his prey's room when i asked for him to hit a door so i counted it

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HI HELLO YES! I am a psychic with way to many demons, ghosts, and haunts. Also a wiccan and I swear if ONE MORE DEMON GRABS MY ASS I AM GOING TO BUY SAGE! I swear.

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Hahaha I wish. Oh I'm also basically Satan's side bitch so if y'all need any favors from him, hit me up. Him and my soul Evangeline have QUITE the story. (Oh hush you) NO.

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(I'm a pagan, mostly work with the Fae, but a few spirits live (hah) in the forest behind my house.)

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Okay see. I live in Nebraska and we have like Bloody Mary here. She's actually super nice. Creepy. She has an obsession with ceilings and being upside down, but she's super nice. And then my favorite ghost is Charlie. He's a hung slave who tried to escape. Gives great love advice. And my two great grandmothers who I believe are my guardian angels.

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Ya know what's great? When Satan him fucking self appears next to you in your math class asking for sex, like REALLY?!?!?!? ((WHAT?)) YOU HAVE A HUSBAND! AND A DAUGHTER! Who I've baby sat. Her name is Chaos and she's the newest deadly sin. And adorable. Anyways I have a math test that I'm unprepared for to do so I'll be back.

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Hey guys, sorry for that. I'm just really happy to have found a community of people like me, or have the same experiences cause like. I never have anyone to ever talk to. And now I do and it's great.

@V01DtheFae group

You just had to say it didn't you
(Jeff is gonna say that a lot probably but he might grow on this who knows)
[Shionick be quite]

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Wait Jeff the KILLER Jeff orrr…? Just Jeff. (Did someone say murder?) No they didn't Michael (Awwwwww-sad ghosty boi noises-)

@V01DtheFae group

{in 21 jump street voice My name's Jeff stops the voice and yes i am Jeff the Killer}
yeah but he won't kill me
{You don't know that maniacal laughter}

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Hold on hold on -takes a box and shakes it- (WOAH WOAH HEY THERE BUCKAROO! You might not want to do that!) Shut up LJ, I'm talking to your boyfriend (EVELYN WE ARE NOT DATING!) You sure (Yes, fucker. Where's Ticci and Poet?) Ticci is doing cannabilism. Idk where Poet is. But Sally is here, she wants a tea party. (Of course she does)

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… I'm just going to leave now… (Meri, calm down. You are a ghost, you can't be hurt.)