forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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(Raises hand Me. I have to have it because of going to a psych ward. But I'm looking for a new therapist becuase I couldn't trust the other one.)

@V01DtheFae group

(wow that is a mood)
[unsentivity in a therapist is not always the best you need one that knows what you have been through well]
Pheonix read closely they are trying to find one like that

@V01DtheFae group

same here
(says the geni/suicidal mess we know as Kioshi)
[y'all can't tell but i am death staring Shionick cause she is an idiotic child]
Pheonix be nice and Shionick i am only genicidal to buttholes

@V01DtheFae group

(we are like an old married couple laughs also Pheonix doesn't understand how to put what she is doing so it is hard to get through her thick skull)
[how can i have a skull if i'm a spirit?]
(you had one before you died now shut up)
Me over here watching them like: "y'all shut the hell up before i throw salt at you"


Hello lads and their hangers-on! I just found this chat and I'd like to share!

Recently a Demon who hasn't told me his name yet appeared in my room one night. He's an 18-19 looking guy with a hooded cloak. He wears the hood up so I don't know what he looks like. If I'm in a bad mood, he has these huge feathery wings? He even has a Scythe. I used to scared of him but I actually feel him holding my hand when I feel super shit at night.

Also, there is a dog-demon that follows me around. They're the formed consciousness of my problems, I think they said. They look super threatening but their name is Duckie and they're actually super sweet sometimes.
EDIT: Duckie is grinning really creepily at me. I'm scared

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Hello lads and their hangers-on! I just found this chat and I'd like to share!

Recently a Demon who hasn't told me his name yet appeared in my room one night. He's an 18-19 looking guy with a hooded cloak. He wears the hood up so I don't know what he looks like. If I'm in a bad mood, he has these huge feathery wings? He even has a Scythe. I used to scared of him but I actually feel him holding my hand when I feel super shit at night.

Also, there is a dog-demon that follows me around. They're the formed consciousness of my problems, I think they said. They look super threatening but their name is Duckie and they're actually super sweet sometimes.
EDIT: Duckie is grinning really creepily at me. I'm scared

Oh wow, this is interesting. How recently did each one appear?