forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@V01DtheFae group

Hello lads and their hangers-on! I just found this chat and I'd like to share!

Recently a Demon who hasn't told me his name yet appeared in my room one night. He's an 18-19 looking guy with a hooded cloak. He wears the hood up so I don't know what he looks like. If I'm in a bad mood, he has these huge feathery wings? He even has a Scythe. I used to scared of him but I actually feel him holding my hand when I feel super shit at night.

Also, there is a dog-demon that follows me around. They're the formed consciousness of my problems, I think they said. They look super threatening but their name is Duckie and they're actually super sweet sometimes.
EDIT: Duckie is grinning really creepily at me. I'm scared

Oh wow, this is interesting. How recently did each one appear?

i have had a demon cradle while i was asleep once and when i woke up i could feel it but couldn't see it


Funny story about Duckie:

When I'm in class they normally don't do much but yesterday, when someone was walking to come and talk to some people on my side of the room, he had to pass through a narrow gap between to desks. Duckie decided to do what they do to me all the time and lie down in front of the person's feet to trip them up. THE PERSON FELL OVER. THEY FELL OVER DUCKIE. And they did it on the way back so there was no way it was a fluke!

The pin was this btw

@V01DtheFae group

the first house i ever lived in with my first foster fam was seriously haunted. My mom tried to hang herself once, my sister and brother-in-law almost got dragged out of bed, and i would wake up to gun shots in the middle of each night each night. also i might have a guardian although i can't tell if it's an angel or a demon

@V01DtheFae group

It has been there my entire life. It looks like a Teddy Bear i call Freddy (not because of FNAF) and he is the most comforting thing i have he has been through thick and thin but still feels so strange
(yeah i love that bear but i never knew his name was Freddy)
[Shionick quiet please Kioshi is talking]

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Funny story about Duckie:

When I'm in class they normally don't do much but yesterday, when someone was walking to come and talk to some people on my side of the room, he had to pass through a narrow gap between to desks. Duckie decided to do what they do to me all the time and lie down in front of the person's feet to trip them up. THE PERSON FELL OVER. THEY FELL OVER DUCKIE. And they did it on the way back so there was no way it was a fluke!

The pin was this btw

(Lol, I think that's me more than it's Peeves.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

It has been there my entire life. It looks like a Teddy Bear i call Freddy (not because of FNAF) and he is the most comforting thing i have he has been through thick and thin but still feels so strange
(yeah i love that bear but i never knew his name was Freddy)
[Shionick quiet please Kioshi is talking]

Feels strange how? Also, if I don't respond for a few days, I'm sorry. I'm going through some difficult situations IRL

Deleted user

(Hmmmm… So… There's a new ghost or spirit or something…)
Hi! Reed's typing for me! I don't know how to possess!

@V01DtheFae group

It has been there my entire life. It looks like a Teddy Bear i call Freddy (not because of FNAF) and he is the most comforting thing i have he has been through thick and thin but still feels so strange
(yeah i love that bear but i never knew his name was Freddy)
[Shionick quiet please Kioshi is talking]

Feels strange how? Also, if I don't respond for a few days, I'm sorry. I'm going through some difficult situations IRL

like he could kill me at any second but he doesn't he is always above my head when i sleep

Deleted user

(This litttle shit is obsessed with another song and is getting insperation. Stop lighting my stuff on fire!)

@V01DtheFae group

Yeah Freddy {since i don't know his name} has been with me even before my dad died but I have only felt this presence since a few months before my dad had actually passed away

Deleted user

(For some reason it doesn't affect them. They're pretty much a baby.)

Deleted user

(I'm letting them talk, hold on.)
HI! I like your profile! It's cool! Did you know the butterflies actually eat the bone marrow too?
(… This is why I don't let you talk.)

Deleted user

(Welp, I'm not letting them talk because now they're in time out, but they said the bugs go through the cracks.)