forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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(Sorry, I was performing an exorcism. Empress A-Hole (Azoth) is now trapped in the boiler room so that solves the problem of…. you know.) Personally, the devices of these modern times are much nicer than in my day.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(I'm glad you approve, Perkins.) ABBY! YOU'RE TRYING TO CHEAT ON ME AREN"T YOU!?! (oh for the love of-I'M NOT FREAKING CHEATING ON YOU, HOW IS TALKING TO ANOTHER GHOST OTHER THAN YOU CHEATING?!? ESPECIALLY IF I'M NOT EVEN TECHNICALLY YOUR GIRLFRIEND, AND YOU'RE OVER REACTING!!! THIS IS ALL BECAUSE HE'S BRITISH, ISN'T IT YOU @\(#0) ***CENSOR THAT!!!*** (I swear.... Anyway, do you think that Empress @\)hole is permanently exorcised to the boiler room Huffle?)

Deleted user

(No, it's only temporary. Soon I'll be able to get a full exorcism kit and sent Azoth back to wherever demons go.)

Deleted user

(What time periods are everyone's ghost's from? Perkins is pre-colonial era (About ten years before then) (I mean, the American colonial era) but what about Marcus?)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(I have really no idea. I have a suspicion he's been around for a while, but he has modern clothes, and talks with a modern Yankee accent, like me.) And like I'd tell her, the cheater. (….You know what? I'm just done with your drama. Go haunt someone else if you're gonna be a d***) I would if I didn't love you. (If you love me, why are you so- URGH!!!!)

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HELLOOOoo!!! (Chester. Get. Out. Of. Here. Now. Or. Else.)

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(Sorry guys. Gotta go. Talk to you tomorrow.)


@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

I'mmmmmmmmmm bacccccccccccckkkkkkkkkk!!!! I, for once, had to exorcise my witchy! (grr.)She has been getting a little scary, so I'm typing for her! You can turn a mortal into a half-blood, but you need a full witch to do it. Half-bloods have less power and don't gain radia as fast. But turning a mortal into a half-blood is now illegal because the Evil Council can easily mind control half-bloods. Only witchy and her sister have dared to make a half-blood, and they got in serious trouble for that! But so far, Emily hasn't been mind controlled, and the High Council put my witchy and her sister on probation in the mortal realm instead of following through on the actual law punishment, death. They probably did this because my witchy and her sister are one of the most powerful witches by far, which is why the Evil Council is trying to either kill them or get them on their side all the time. Did that make sense?

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Hi, Whisper of shadow asked for you to look into my case here.

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

(I feel better now.) Yayyy!!! I missed you! (Aww, I missed you too buddy. Anyway, America, it's not a ghost, they can't make people transport. Demons can do it, but there didn't seem to be any reason behind your story for them to do it. You could very well be a witch. Tell me, have you ever had any dreams that have come true, visions during the day, or dreams where you go to bed super early, wake up super late the next day, and are like movies?)

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Well I've never had any dreams come true for all I can remember, I had have very weird dreams though, I have had visions though. The dreams for super early and late and that stuff, I mean I think but I can't really remember.