forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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(pretty sure hes a demon or something like that)
Merde, Im right here Dusk

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(he has a humanoid shape, though he has black snake scales all over his face)
Still Here

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Morte, what do you like to do for fun? I know, listening to the humans talk about us like we’re animals is a little bit annoying. [But I love my Whisper, and I let her keep guessing.] (Love ya too.) HA! I GOT YOU TO SAY YOU LOVE ME!! (Don’t get cocky.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Heh, heh. Sounds like fun. My favorite things to do are totally creep A-Whisper out. (You don’t creep me out, you’re just a pervert!) Aww, babe. Don’t say things like that… I love you… (huffs no sleeping with me tonight! Go to the couch!) No. you can’t make me! (Why do I put up with you?!)

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Most of the time i keep Dusk company, she tends to sit by herself. She is not liked at her school. (MORTE!)

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Oh, don't worry. My fragile and clinically insomiacal Miss N-(It's Impossible! Shut up!) Miss Impossible, apologies, is also a loner.

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It tends to be tiring, i have to stay up with him so he does not do anything harmfull to himself or his family
(Morte, im giving you a warning)

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(Hey, Azure has clinical egomania so she's no right to speaking about me like that!) No I don't! I'm far more intelligent and have far more prestige than you puny humans, so sod off! (There goes that egomania again.)

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(Morte takes care of me, sometimes) He cant take care of himself, plus his parents dont believe he has a mental illness. He has multiple.

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(Morte just follows me around)
i found you crying in a corner

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(You're gonna have to deal with the fact you can't control your ghosts' mouths Dusk.) I can't even control my human's mouth. She only cans the swear words when adults are around. Not that I mind. It means she's angry, and she's kinda cute when she's angry. (I. AM. NOT!) Adorable.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ha, ha, very funny… (Marcus, don’t lose your temper…) Why shouldn’t I? (I won’t let you sleep with me tonight.) … Fine. I’ll be good. **looks viciously at Morte**