forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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Then thanks whatever your name was. She just pulled it up and is listening to it.

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(Listen to Melanie Martinez, its awesome for creepy music!) She listens to it endlessly…

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(I love both of them! I listen to them when writing Annie.) Let not bring up Annie.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(I like to listen to them when my parents aren’t around. They would not like my taste in music. One of my favorite songs [not from those artists] is “Survive the Night”. Is Annie a story you’re writing?) Don’t forget “Talk Dirty” sweetheart. (Shut up.)

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Annie is one of the most insane characters in her story… Not that any other characters are not.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

It’s funny because Whisper is one of the most insane people I’ve ever met, and yet her story is surprisingly domestic compared to her thoughts. (Oh ho, so you think so, do you?) Never mind. Spoke too soon.

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(Yo Whisper, wanna join a roleplay about an asylum of supernaturals?)

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(Cool, its called Asylum Roleplay!) Asher needs to stop putting ideas in your head.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Oh my gods. Whisper just created a character for the role play and I’m terrified. This is the worst thing she had ever done. She does not need to be a part of that. (Too late!) Help me! Someone! My girlfriend’s insane! (death glare) Oh crap…

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(Whatever she does i will gladly help.) he will help, he's done it before.

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(Good idea, yo Marcus. You really dont want me to help her, i can hit a note high enough to damage your hearing.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I’m so f**ing lucky Whisper’s quiet. I think if she could scream, it’d be enough to make you die from a heart attack. (Of course, I still have my Yandere laugh.) NO! NO, PLEASE! DON’T!
([smiles darkly]Not yet I won’t.)