forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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(A snake person in a cloak, with blood running from my eyes.) I'm just going as my true form, no one will see me.

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(Yup! I get to scare little kids and watch them cry as I take their candy!) Sometimes, I'm not sure who the demon is…

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(Meh, apparently sometimes a demon takes over my body) Duskie is what gave you the idea for the character Dusk..

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(I dunno! They came out of my bushes and look really cool!) They look like they came from a horror movie.

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(Hahaha, all my spirits left me… Now I just have the awesome looking Fae following me)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Everyone annoys Marcus) Finally stopped running No they don't. (Give me one person you don't find annoying.) wraps arms around Whisper. You. (sighs At least I sometimes terrify you…)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Excuse you! (He can be sweet when he wants to be. But yeah…) Whimpers Whisper…. I thought you loved me…. goes to sulk in a corner. (Marcus come back here.) looks up with a glint in his eyes You have to promise to do something for me before I forgive you…. (Gods, you're such a perverted child…. Fine.) :)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Excuse you! (He can be sweet when he wants to be. But yeah…) Whimpers Whisper…. I thought you loved me…. goes to sulk in a corner. (Marcus come back here.) looks up with a glint in his eyes You have to promise to do something for me before I forgive you…. (Gods, you're such a perverted child…. Fine.) :)