forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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(Guess what! The Fae is sitting behind me watching Netflix with me!)

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(Hi I'm Lex! Demons, Fae, spirits, and other people really like to hang around me! Especially the creepy ones)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Wait. Cayleigh. You're Wiccan?) Don't get excited Whisper. You know you're parents will kill you. (They're already preparing the gallows. I'm just speeding up my impending death.) Fair enough.

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(This may make me sound like an idiot… but, what exactly is a Wiccan?)

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(Cool! I'm just a person who supernatural creatures enjoy flocking to. They also like to scare my dogs, but it seems I'm the only one who can see them. It might just be my schizophrenia though.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(If your dogs can see them, it's not your schizophrenia. And sorry about forgetting about you being Wiccan Cayleigh. ) Whisper has serious memory issues that her parents refuse to acknowledge. (No doubt about that.)

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(Huh… I hope Fayley won't scare my new foster puppy. Oh right, the creepy thing who has been following me is named Fayley!)

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(It's really creepy, it has strangely green hair and red eyes! It's hair looks like seaweed!)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Who here hasn't heard what Marcus looks like by the way? I just thought of that.) Hey! At least I look human! And I'm very handsome aren't I Whisper? (….) Oh come on! Answer!

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(Also, Fayley told me that she could hunt Marcus down, apparently she has connections)

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(blackmail on me, or her?)
Dayum, Lex is smiling her creepy ass smile…