forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Eeeeeeh…) Yes. (Not quite…) What do you mean “not quite”!? (We never really confirmed on that. I was originally terrified of him. He would only show up in my dreams. He’s been around for a few years now.) WHAT DO YOU MEAN “NOT QUITE”?!!!!

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(Yo! anyone there?)
Duskie, shut up. They dont want to talk to us.

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(Anyhow, a new demon has been following me lately! I'm naming him Asher.)

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(Yeah, he's exactly like my Asher!) Oh crap, now she's laughing too. NO ASHER GO AWAY! DUSK ISN'T GOING TO MAKE YOU CAKE.

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Duskie has a character named Asher that is, on completely insane and two, based around a voice in her head.
(I know! He's sitting right next to me and says hi!)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Oh my gods. Now a whole lot of things that Whisper does makes sense now. (I still have the issue with my dresser you know.) Well to be honest, I don’t think there’s any reason or logic behind that.

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Are you whisper? (Yeah, she's Whisper.) Yay! Duskie's told me about you! She told me that your an awesome friend!
Very deep sh*t.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Oh! I’m glad she thinks of me that way! So you’re a voice in Duskie’s head?) Whisper, be careful. (Of what?) I don’t trust him… (You don’t trust anyone at first. You have special issues.) Don’t try to make it seem like I’m the only one with issues. Your entire family is an issue. (Can’t deny that.)

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No, im a demon! I just dont have a name so she's calling me Asher after one of her favorite characters! (He's harmless, i think.)