forum One-On-One anyone? (CLOSED)
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Fae helped Navaeh to her feet, then tapped her foot on the ground, causing the forest to disappear.

Deleted user

"First things first. We need to get Navaeh to a doctor. She's weak after I took her magic away."

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"Navaeh is more important right now," Fae said, looking Farron in the eye.

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"Farron. I have made my decision. It. Is. Final." Fae said this in a tone that was not to be argued with.

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Fae handed Naveah to a nurse. "Tha i lag. Feuch gun faigh thu i do dhotair." She suddenly clutched her stomach. "Cuideachd, tha mi a 'smaoineachadh gu bheil mi ag obair."

("She is weak. Please get her to a doctor."… "Also I think I am in labour.")

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The nurses simply stared at Farron but took Fae from him. Not every elf understood English, mostly only those that lived in Volta.

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A few elves held him back. "Chan urrainn dhut a thighinn a-steach an seo. Eilich a-mhàin."

("You can not come in here. Elves only.")

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An elf stepped up. "Sir, you don't wish that. Believe me, you don't."

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"Has it been explained to you by her?" The elf asked. "Because if not, she probably doesn't you to know."


“I only found out she was pregnant a few hours ago and we’ve been a bit preoccupied since then so please, why don’t you explain.” Farron crossed his arms.

Deleted user

"OK then. Basically when an elf is pregnant, the baby is in a small egg about the size of a fist. When the baby is too big for the egg and starts pressing against the sides, the mother is cut into to retrieve the egg. You humans call it a 'C-section'. The eggs is then taken to the baby ward and it is popped. Over the next ten minutes, the baby grows and matures to around the age of a 2 year old child, however they are still newborn. Make sense?"

Deleted user

"It's fine. I was the same for my wife," The man said. "I was very nervous, but now we have three beautiful children."

Deleted user

"Fae, Fae. Where have I heard that name before?" The man thought out loud.