forum One-On-One anyone? (CLOSED)
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Fae reached out to take the crown, but her hand hesitated 10cm from it. While she wanted everything that Navaeh was saying, she knew that Farran was telling the truth.

Deleted user

"I am listening to my heart! But it's telling me so many things that I don't know what to think!"

Deleted user

Fae looked at Farron with tears in her eyes. "I don't know," She whispered.


"They wouldn't want this. It isn't right. Life goes on and we have to accept that. Bad things happen, yes but there are more good things to balance them out. Trying to bring back the dead… it isn't the right solution… please Fae."

Deleted user

Bheir solas buaidh air an dorchadas an-còmhnaidh, Fae thought, remembering something her mother used to tell her. *Solas! Of course!" She grabbed the crown from Navaeh, who let out a triumphant cackle. "I'm sorry Farron. But I have to do this. And you have to trust me." She placed the crown on her head and then slumped to the ground.

(Light will overcome the darkness always.

Deleted user

Fae 'woke' up to complete darkness. "Ok, I can do this. God, I hope this works." She lit a spark of light. It pushed the darkness back a smidge.

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Navaeh stared at the now black haired elf that would become her minion.

Fae made more and more light. It was almost blinding.

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Suddenly Fae was lifted into the air as if being lifted by and invisible giant's hand. An extremely bright light emitted from her.

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When the light died away, Fae's hair had changed to gold and white, her eyes now golden brown. Beside her, a pale purple haired elf lay.

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Fae walked over to the elf and helped her sit up. "Whe-where am I?" The elf asked.
"You are in Athenia. My name is Faelinn West-Hallows. I'm a….." Fae got a glimpse of her hair. "Light elf."
"I'm Navaeh Windwhistler. I'm an air elf."

Deleted user

Fae pushed Farron away softly. "I'm fine. It's Navaeh I'm worried about."

Deleted user

"Why would I kill her?!" Fae yelled. "It's not her fault that she did all those things! She's completely innocent herself!"

Deleted user

"But it wouldn't have been the right thing, Farron! I'm not going to kill anyone without reason! Look, I took away her magic and left her with only the magic she was intended to have - air. I'm stronger now which will be good for the child. But relax, I don't have darkness. I got rid of that."

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"Light always defeats the dark. And I just so happen to be extremely skilled in light magic. It was powerful to both expel the darkness from me and Navaeh and transfer all of her unneeded magic into me."