forum One-On-One anyone? (CLOSED)
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"Um…yeah. I know I don't look it, but elves get pregnant in a different way to humans." Fae stopped moving and made a tree appear at the height they were so that they could sit down.


Farron sat and rested his head against the trunk of the tree, “Right… yeah… you’re gonna be… I’m gonna be… we’re gonna be… wow… I never thought this would happen…”

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"The reason I have to get to Athenia so quickly is because I'm due in a few days."

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"3 months ago," Fae replied. "Like I said, elven pregnancies are really different to human ones. And they're really hard to explain."

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"I didn't know if you wanted a child. I knew I did - it would be a new family - and I knew that if I had a child with anyone it would have to be you," Fae explained. "But I'm scared, Farron. I'm scared for them. I have all this magic inside of me and I don't know what they'll get! You control darkness but it doesn't affect you. Every elf that has been able to control darkness has been corrupted and I don't even know if I have that inside of me! Navaeh was the same as me and you know what happened to her! I'm scared okay! I didn't tell you because I'm scared!"


Farron shuffled closer and wrapped Fae in his arms, “You don’t have to be scared, Fae,” He said gently, “I never thought of having a child. I always thought I’d be alone for the rest of my life before I met you, but now… now I have you and our child and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you both safe and protected. If our child has the same power as I do… I’ll do what I can to make sure they don’t end up corrupted. I swear to you. I’ll be there for you and out child no matter what happens.”

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Fae wiped away the tears that had appeared. She placed a hand on her stomach and winced in pain for a second. "We need to get to Athenia quickly." She scouted the area, and saw a river nearby.

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Fae dived into the water after telling Farron to hold his breath. She grabbed a bubble of air from just above the water's surface and then placed it over Farron's head. Making a current in the water to see the way to Athenia, she started swimming.

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As they kept swimming, the waters started changing from a slightly murky blue to pristine clear. This was a sign that they were in Athenia.

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Fae looked above the surface quickly, only showing her eyes and forehead. Her currently blue hair blended in almost perfectly with the water. When it was all clear, she got out.

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Fae looked around to get her bearings, ignoring the water dripping off her. When she figured out where they were, she collected the water off both her and Farron and dumped it back into the river.

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"I believe we are in Cascade Falls," Fae said. "It's one of the popular places for water elves, and one of the largest areas in Athenia. We need to head to Obsidian Valley. By the looks of it, we are nearby." She pointed above a few trees to show a volcano rising up. "That is Mount Agni. It is on the border of Cascade Falls and Obsidian Valley."

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"Centuries ago, no. Elves and humans did not get along. However, both sides have learnt to accept the other and we work in harmony. Some elves are still wary of humans, but if you don't disrupt them no harm will come to you."