forum One-On-One anyone? (CLOSED)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

"It doesn't matter," Fae said, sitting up. "As long as I don't go back there, I'm safe."

Deleted user

Fae fell face down on her pillow. "Why did I have to be the 'special one'?" Fae asked, voice muffled.

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Fae giggled. "Yeah, I suppose. But my life's been crap because of it. At least I don't have Navaeah's power."


Deleted user

Fae's ears fluttered and she sat up again. "Hey. You might be a human, but you're not boring."

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Fae's ears perked up. "Someone's coming. And they're singing… Athenian lullaby?!"

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"I….I can't tell," Fae replied. She started to repeat the lullaby. "Bidh an talamh a 'gluasad an èadhair, agus bidh a' ghaoth a 'biathadh an teine. Tha draoidheachd an seo, ma tha thu ag iarraidh creidsinn. Sàil a-mach gu muir air cuan dìomhaireachd, agus thoir do chridhe gu na feadhainn a choinnicheas tu."

(It's not an accurate translation. It's in Scottish Gaelic. The real song is:
Earth moves the air, and the wind feeds the fire. Magic is here, if you dare to believe. Sail out to sea on an ocean of mystery, and bring your heart to the ones that you meet.)

Deleted user

Very few elves live in Volta. Who in the five realms could it be? Fae thought. She had a dawning realisation. "Farron!" She hiss-yelled. "Get back here!"


Farron could barely hear her from where he was. He sighed a little and ignored her, creeping around the house to see if anyone was there and from what he could see, there was no one. He frowned deeply, shadows flickering at his fingertips.

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"Tha mi a 'tighinn air do shon Faelynn bheag," The singer said.
"Cò th 'annad?" Fae asked.
"An Dotair."

("I'm coming for you little Faelynn."
"Who are you?"
"The Doctor.")


Farron clenched his fists together and he winnowed back inside the house, stumbling a little. He forgot how draining it was and he’d been doing it this morning, “Nothing…” He mumbled, “There was nothing…”

Deleted user

Farron came back to someone cornering Fae. The man was wearing an Athenian doctor's uniform, and a dark aura was around him. Fae looked at Farron with fearful eyes.


"Get away from her!" Farron growled, taking a few steps towards the man. Something was off about him, even his darkness seemed to retract in fear from him.

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Fae's initial reaction of fear was over. She set her hands on fire and placed her burning hands on The Doctor's face. He screamed in agony as she ran behind Farron. "That's…. The Doctor."