forum One-On-One anyone? (CLOSED)
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Deleted user

"Thig an seo Faelynn."
"Chan eil! Thalla! Fàg mi mar a tha mi!"
"Chan eil mi airson do ghoirteachadh."
"Tha thu a 'dèanamh!"

("Come here Faelynn."
"No! Go away! Leave me alone!"
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Yes you do!")

Deleted user

Fae did so, wrapping small vines around Farron's hand so that she wouldn't lose his grip.


"Hold on tight." Farron muttered before winnowing out of the house. He stopped for a moment before going again and again and again until they were far away from the house. He stopped and nearly collapsed from exhaustion.

Deleted user

Fae created a ball of light in her hands. "This might hurt a little," She said as she placed the light on Farron's chest. His chest 'absorbed' it and glowed while Fae has her hands on it.

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"My light has restoring powers. I can't have you falling asleep on me."

Deleted user

"It will only be a little longer. Please. I can't lose someone else to The Doctor."

Deleted user

Fae gave into defeat. "At least let me make you a vine hammock."

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Fae got to work, weaving a vine hammock with her hands, making it look as though she was creating art in midair.


Farron watched on in awe, his own magic twisting lazily and slowly round his fingers. Small patterns of black spread up his skin over the left side of his face.

Deleted user

Fae was finished, and the hammock was clearly big enough for two. She helped Farron into the hammock before putting up three shields: 2 water and 1 fire. She put one water shield up so that the fire wouldn't spread any unnecessary heat into the forest. She put the fire one up because The Doctor hates fire. The put the other water one up so that they wouldn't get the heat from the fire, and so that Farron wouldn't be burned.


Farron closed his eyes when he was comfortable in the hammock. He really shouldn't have done so many jumps so quickly in a short amount of time. The patterns had spread, feeling cold against his skin but he didn't mind that much.

Deleted user

Fae snuggled into the hammock next to Farron, her red and orange hair glowing faintly. "What if he finds me? I don't want to g back."


Farron sighed and put an arm around Fae, "He won't find you. I'll do everything I can to make sure he doesn't fine you. Even if I have to hide you in another dimension."

Deleted user

"Silly human. Other dimensions don't exist," Fae laughed. "I've checked."

Deleted user

A cold, concrete cell. A small gap underneath the two sides walls with thick bars. Sobbing filled the cell with only one elf.
"Na cuir dragh air mo Faelynn," A soothing voice cut through the sobbing.
"Ciamar nach urrainn dhomh, Mam?" Fae asked back. The door opened, and Fae scooted back.
"Iarraidh mi thu a-rithist," The Doctor said. "Ciamar a gheibh mi do dhraoidheachd?"
"Chan eil fios agam!" Fae yelled back. The Doctor motioned to someone, and suddenly her mother's screams cut through the air. "Chan eil! Mas e do thoil e! Fàg i fhèin! Chan eil!"

Fae woke up in another cold sweat, yelling "CHAN EIL!"

("Do not fret my Faelynn."
"How can I not, Mother?"
"I will ask you again. How do I get your magic?"
"I don't know!" … "No! Please! Leave her alone! No!" … "NO!")

Deleted user

"'S urrainn dhomh na sgreothan aca a chluinntinn," Fae muttered. "Cha tèid iad air falbh." She didn't realise that she was speaking in Athenian.

("I can hear their screams. They won't go away."