forum One-On-One anyone? (CLOSED)
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"As many as I want," Azari shot back, not intending to tell Farron anything.

Deleted user

"Azari, you always hated incense."
"I changed my mind after a near death experience."
Fae looked at Farron.


Farron looked down at Fae, giving her a look to as if to say Something’s wrong, “Azari as much as we’d love to stay and catch up we really should be getting to a doctor.”

Deleted user

"Please, come in here. We can talk."
Fae stopped walking. "No. Something is not right. You can't be Azari. I know that for a fact. Azari died in my arms. I witnessed her take her last breaths. You can't be my sister."
"It hurts that you would doubt me."

Deleted user

"What is our sister's name?"
Fae thought for a question. "What was the very first hair colour that I had?"
"No. You're not my sister. My first hair colour was gold and white, my eyed golden brown."

Deleted user

'Azari' tapped her foot on the ground, and suddenly they were transported into a dark forest. "I take on many names. However, you know me as-" A wall of shadows went up around her, and she was suddenly replaced by someone else. "Navaeh."
Fae's breath caught in her throat. This elf had once been like her? Her hair was straight and black, her eyes pure darkness and her clothes had tinges of dark green.

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"Nothing with you, human. Only with this beautiful elf here," Navaeh cooed and smiled. A smile that might once have been warm, now twisted and vain. Fae's ears twitched in fear.

(hey I started a one on one about music and romance. Care to join?)

Deleted user

Navaeh emitted a cold laugh. "I'm to…. Expire soon, so to say. Want someone to continue my legacy."
"And you want my child?"
"No. I want you. Only you. No one else."
"You're the same as me, my pet."


"Don't call her a…a pet. She is a person not a thing. And she's not going anywhere." Farron spat, his magic flaring up a little with his anger.


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Navaeh glared at Farron for a split second. "Feisty thong, aren't you? That's not natural for a human."

(just let me know (in it) when you've found it)

Deleted user

"I've been around for centuries, darling. You pick up a few things."
"I'm not like you," Fae said. "I don't have darkness inside of me."

Deleted user

"That's where you're wrong, pet." Navaeh put up a barrier around Farron and dragged Fae towards her. She lifted Fae's head up with a finger under her chin. "You have every bit of darkness inside of you as I do."
"I'm not afraid of you," Fae said defiantly.
"Oh, but you should be," Navaeh 'giggled', bopping Fae on the nose.


“No! No Nevaeh leave her alone! I’ll do whatever you want just please leave Fae alone!” Farron banged in the barrier, trying everything he could to get out but nothing seemed to be working.

Deleted user

Naveah just glared at Farron, then turned her attention back to Fae. She produced a crown of black jewels and held it out to Fae. "Take it, my child. You can do wondrous things."
"No. I refuse."
"You can make your greatest desire come to life."


“Fae no! She’s playing you! Listen to me please, she’s evil and will kill everyone. Including me. Fae please…” Farron begged, hitting the barrier again as he felt tears begin to form in his eyes.

Deleted user

"I can bring your family back. Azari, Naida, your mother, your father. And you know what else I can do? I can destroy The Doctor And everything about him," Navaeh said, speaking everything that Fae wished for in her heart.


“And destroy everybody else! She’ll use you and throw you aside! Fae please, think of our child. Think of our unborn child. Please listen to me.” Farron pleaded.