forum One-On-One anyone? (CLOSED)
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Deleted user

Idk what a plot would be but i was kinda hoping for a serious romance paired with magical elements.
Any pairing is fine

Deleted user

Yes you absolutely may. I was thinking that maybe they have to combat this great evil that's after one of them but also having romancy times between them
I def wanna involve magic

Deleted user

K I'll make a template.
I already have an idea of what I'm going to do for my character so it would make sense for her to be the one that's being hunted.

Deleted user

Age: (20-21)
Species: (not things like vampires or werewolves. things that can die - like elves or dwarves - or things that can give up their immortality - like angels or demons)
Style: (day to day clothing)
Background: (try to be detailed)


Name: Farron Utarian
Age: 21
Gender: male
Sexuality: bi-sexual
Species: human
Style: black or navy blue tunic and pants
Personality: comes off as cold and reserved, fighter and warrior type of guy on the outside and ties to keep that up but when he becomes attached to a person he will do anything to keep them safe and protect them at all costs.
Likes: peace and quiet, the forest, night, stars
Dislikes: dishonesty, people who can't defend themselves
Background: When Farron was two he was abandoned by his parents at an orphanage. He was bullied there everyday until he was 14 when he was adopted by a set of parents. He thought his life was going to look up but his 'parents' used him for experiments and tortured him to ind out how and why he got his powers and because they thought it would be fun. He escaped when he was 18 and ran away to a small cabin he found in the woods. He loves this life and wouldn't exchange it for anything.
Power/s: darkness manipulation and anything related like shadow jumping but can become incredibly drained if he does it often
Other: idk

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Name: Faelynn “Fae” West-Hollows
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Elf
Appearance: Fae’s appearance changes on a day-to-day basis because of her magic. Her skin is a simple tan with a few freckles. She is a little short – around 5’1”. She has your usual elf ears which are sensitive and give her excellent hearing. Her hair is waist length and she likes to experiment. Her hair and eye colour change daily according to a particular element. This is because the elves of Athenia are all based around one element, and each element has a colour scheme.
Earth – Medium brown hair with light green tips; Emerald green eyes
Fire – Red hair with orange filtered into it; Amber eyes
Air – Pale purple hair with a single streak of white; Pale purple eyes
Water – Pale blue hair that fades into dark blue; Bright blue eyes
Light – White hair with gold tips; Golden brown eyes
Darkness – Simple black hair; Simple black eyes
Style: Her style changes on what her hair and eyes are on that particular day.
Personality: Fierce, determined, unwavering
Likes: Farron, her sisters, her parents, archery, magic
Dislikes: ‘The Doctor’, that her family is dead
Background: I’ll do this is in sections.
Fae’s mother was a princess. Princess Aira was a skilled wind elf engaged to the prince of another wind kingdom. However, Aira fell in love with a commoner water elf named Tidus. Her parents did not agree with this. She was cast out of the castle and her home, and she and Tidus went outside of Athenia to a different area. They had three daughters: Azari, Faelynn and Naida. Azari was a fire elf, Naida a water elf.
Fae is extremely unique. Rarely is there an elf born with more than one of the original elements. Sure, an elf with control over either light or darkness is born once in a few millennia. Only one other elf has been born with the same gifts that Fae has. She was overcome by the darkness inside of her. Since the darkness has yet to show in Fae, they have assumed that she does not have it.
Fae is wanted for her power. People want to know how to get it. When she was younger, her family was captured by a man simply known as The Doctor. He tortured her family to try and get the information out of her. First it was her mother, then her father, then Naida, then Azari. Every day, Fae had to endure the screams of her loved ones, the screams that continued until they faded away as the elf they belonged to died. She and Azari managed to escape when Fae lost it in anger and sadness, but Azari was weak. They ran until Azari could go no more. She remembers Azari’s last words like it was yesterday, and not 5 years ago.
Power/s: Earth, fire, water, air, light, darkness (she does not know about the darkness – it has not shown itself yet)
The world: Imma gonna explain it to you. So this is in a fantasy world. There are five realms, and each has a different species. Athenia is the realm of the elves. Xeris is the realm of the angels. Gemina is the realm of the dwarves. Volta is the realm of humans and other creatures. Noctura is the realm of evil. No one goes there.
Other: Fae holds onto her mother’s tiara (

Deleted user

(I'll start)

Azari was lying on the ground, cuts all over her body as well as dried blood. Fae was leaning over her, crying. Currently she was in 'earth form'. "Come on Azari! I need you!"
"Listen to me Fae."
"You are beautiful and perfect, and you are going to be okay."
"No, stop."
"You don't need to change yourself to fit in with the rest of Athenia or to matter to someone. I love you Fae. Nothing will change that."
"Dammit Azari, stay with me!"
"I'm sorry Fae."

Fae woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily.


(Do they already know each other?)

Farron sighed and ran a hand through his hair with his free hand as he headed back to his cabin. He grumbled slightly to himself as he walked, jumping through the darkness in the trees to reach home quicker, being careful not to drop the wood in his arms.

Deleted user

(uh, yeah. sorry, they were supposed to already be together)
Fae looked at the empty bed beside her. Where has he gone this time?


(Okie dokie)
Farron reached the cabin and dropped the wood outside the door. He’d deal with it later. Sighing, he opened the door slowly, not knowing if Fae was awake or not yet.

Deleted user

Fae looked to her bedside table at her mother's crown, then fell back on the bed.


Farron sighed and walked over to the bed where Fae was, removing his shirt in the process as it was all sweaty from his trip, “You’re awake then…”

Deleted user

"I had another nightmare about Azari," Fae explained, looking at Farron from her position on the bed. She collected the beads on sweat on her body into a big water droplet and evaporated them.

Deleted user

"I don't know. I've been having them more and more frequently. I don't know what's happening."