forum One-On-One anyone? (CLOSED)
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"I gave you a compliment and you rejected it," Fae said, fake hurt.

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"Tha feum agam air seòmar airson dithis le creideal," Fae said to the receptionist.

("I need a room for two with a cradle.")

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"Chan eil duilgheadas sam bith ann," The elf replied.

("No problem maam."

Deleted user

"You take the airlevators," Fae explained.

(No that was not a typo)

Deleted user

"The airlevators," Fae repeated. "They're currents of air that take you to your floor. They're really fun."

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Fae shook her head. "We never had stairs back in the day except for in castles. It'd the same job because it's easier."

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"They're perfectly safe, Farron. Trust me," Fae said, stepping towards one.

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As Fae stepped onto an airlevator, she was whisked up to her chosen floor. Alizeh giggled.