forum One-On-One anyone? (CLOSED)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

"And I'll take that," Fae glared. "I don't need you to tell me how to raise my daughter."

Deleted user

"Look, I'm sorry Farron. But this is just something that I have to do for myself."

Deleted user

"When I was there, I would hear one of my family screaming, everyday. They would scream and scream until they stopped screaming because they couldn't take it anymore and died. And then The Doctor would move onto someone else. First Mother, than Father, then Naida, then Azari. I couldn't bear Mother's screams, and I was almost broken by the time they got to Azari. We saw an opportunity to escape, and we took it. But Azari didn't make it. Did I ever tell you what her last words were?"

Deleted user

"I'm not trying to tell you the plan, Farron. I'm trying to tell you something else. Her last words were 'You are beautiful and perfect, and you are going to be okay. You don't need to change yourself to fit in with the rest of Athenia or to matter to someone. I love you Fae. Nothing will change that.' I've never forgotten those words. I watched her die. I watched her hair fade to dull colours. I watched the light disappear from her eyes. I felt her warm skin gog cold and I felt the exact moment that her breathing stopped."

Deleted user

"I want him to endure the same thing that he put my family through."

Deleted user

"No, of course not. I don't even want to watch that. It will happen in the dungeon: it's cells are almost identical to the ones we were kept in."