forum One-On-One anyone? (CLOSED)
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Fae handed Alizeh over to Farron and smiled.

(do you wanna skip to their coronation? they could have had an unofficial wedding beforehand or something)

Deleted user

Fae looked at Farron nervously. She had Alizeh in her arms. They were all wearing formal wear for their coronation. Alizeh had matured a little more since they had arrived at the castle 3 months ago and was able to walk. She was wearing a simple blue dress. Fae had been dressing in a delicate rose gold gown.

(Alizeh's dress -
Fae's dress -


Farron smiled softly at his two girls, "It's gonna be okay…" He said quietly and gently. He was wearing a nice black shirt and pants with a formal navy blue jacket with gold patterns on the hems.

Deleted user

An elf came and told them that they were ready. Fae took Alizeh's hand as they walked down the middle of the crowd to the altar.

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"Faelynn Skyra West-Hallows," The elf at the front said. "A bheil thu a 'gealltainn gu stiùir Roni le cridhe coibhneil, gràdhach agus cuideachail?"
"Tha mi a 'guidhe," Fae replied, bowing her head. The elf placed a crown on her head.

("Do you swear to lead Roni with a kind, loving and helpful heart?"
"I swear."

I have crowns for everyone:
Fae's crown -
Farron's crown -
Alizeh's tiara -

Deleted user

The elf then turned to Farron. "Farron Utarian," He said. Fae had been teaching him Athenian in the past months. "A bheil thu a 'gealltainn gu stiùir Roni le cridhe coibhneil, gràdhach agus cuideachail?"

("Do you swear to lead Roni with a kind, loving and helpful heart?")

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The elf kneeled down and placed a tiara on Alizeh's head, who giggled. "Tha mi a-nis a 'toirt dhuibh a' Bhanrigh Faelynn, Rìgh Farron agus a 'Bhana-phrionnsa Alizeh."

("I now present to you Queen Faelynn, King Farron and Princess Alizeh."

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"Save it for the bedroom," Fae whispered.
"Dè a 'chiad rud a nì thu, a' Bhanrigh Faelynn?" The elf asked. Fae thought.
"Rud a bu mhath leam fhèin a dhèanamh."

("What is the first thing you shall do, Queen Faelynn?"
"Something I would rather do myself."

Deleted user

The family started to walk through the congregation to the back of the hall.

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Fae interlocked her fingers with Farron's and then reached down to take Alizeh's hand.