forum One-On-One anyone? (CLOSED)
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"And I love you. But I have a task to do. And I won't stop until it is done."

Deleted user

"I want to get rid of The Doctor," Fae said, then let go of Farron and Alizeh's hands and walked away.

Deleted user

"That's the thing, Farron. I have stopped and thought about it. I have been since I escaped. And I can finally do it. I'm not missing this opportunity."

Deleted user

"Oh, I'm not killing him, Farron. No, I have something else in mind," Fae explained. "And there are other people in that facility. I'll be saving them."

Deleted user

They go to Fae's room, the one that previously belonged to her mother. Fae walked inside and stood at the door, facing Farron and her daughter. "This is one secret I'd like to keep to myself," Fae said as she closed the door and locked it. She turned around and slumped against the door.


Farron sighed and shook his head a little, muttering some curses under his breath as he placed his daughter down, "Come on, Ali. Let's go play outside."


Farron and Alizeh were having a great time in the garden. Farron fake fell over and Ali came and knocked his crown to the side and placed hers on his head with a giggle. Farron smiled and started to tickle his daughter.

Deleted user

Fae was smiling at them when a knock came to the door. "Tha an carbad deiseil dhut fhèin, mo Bhanrigh," An elf said when she opened the door.

("The carriage is ready for you, my Queen.")


Farron pressed a kiss to his daughters head and looked up at the window where Fae had been standing and sighed before turning his attention back to Ali.

Deleted user

"A bheil an dràibhear eòlach air an dòigh?"
"'S e, mo Bhanrigh."

("Does the driver know the way?"
"Yes, my Queen.")

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Fae hesitated in front of the carriage. "Rachaibh gu faigh mi an duine agus an nighean agam."

("Please go get my husband and daughter.")


After a few moments, an elf came walking towards them and Farron quickly made the dragon disappear. He stood, picked up his crown, Ali and her crown and followed the elf.

Deleted user

"Don't be silly," Fae said. "I would like you to come with me."